首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Cancer =: Journal International du Cancer >Association between duration and type of androgen deprivation therapy and risk of diabetes in men with prostate cancer

Association between duration and type of androgen deprivation therapy and risk of diabetes in men with prostate cancer


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Androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) for prostate cancer (PCa) increases risk of type 2 diabetes (T2DM); however the association between types and duration of ADT has not been fully elucidated. We examined how type and duration of ADT affects risk of T2DM. Using data from Prostate Cancer database Sweden (PCBaSe) we investigated risk of T2DM in a cohort of 34,031 men with PCa on ADT; i.e., anti-androgens (AA), orchiectomy, or gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) agonists compared to an age-matched, PCa-free comparison cohort (n=167,205) using multivariate Cox proportional hazard regression. T2DM was defined as a newly filled prescription for metformin, sulphonylurea, or insulin in the Prescribed Drug Register. A total of 21,874 men with PCa received GnRH agonists, 9,143 AA and 3,014 underwent orchiectomy. Risk of T2DM was increased in men in the GnRH agonists/orchiectomy group during the first 3 years of ADT [i.e., 121.5 years HR: 1.61 (95% CI: 1.36-1.91)], compared to PCa-free men. The risk decreased thereafter (e.g., 324 years HR: 1.17 (95% CI: 0.98-1.40)). Conversely, no increased risk was seen in men on AA (HR: 0.74 (95% CI: 0.65-0.84). The incidence of T2DM per 1,000 person-years was 10 for PCa-free men, 8 for men on AA, and 13 for men on GnRH agonists/orchiectomy. Duration of ADT has a significant impact on risk of T2DM. With the peak after three years of treatment, our data indicates that men on ADT, even for a limited period of time, such as adjuvant to radiotherapy, are at increased risk of T2DM.
机译:前列腺癌(PCA)的雄激素剥夺治疗(ADT)增加了2型糖尿病(T2DM)的风险;然而,ADT的类型与持续时间之间的关联尚未完全阐明。我们检查了ADT的类型和持续时间如何影响T2DM的风险。使用来自前列腺癌数据库的数据瑞典(PCBase),我们在ADT上调查了34,031名男性的队列中T2DM的风险;即,与使用多元COX比例危险回归的年龄匹配的PCA的PCA的比较队列(n = 167,205)相比,抗雄疮(AA),睾丸切除术或促性腺激素释放激素(GNRH)激动剂。 T2DM被定义为在规定的药物寄存器中的二甲双胍,磺酰脲或胰岛素的新填充的处方。共有21,874名具有PCA的男性接受了GNRH激动剂,9,143 AA和3,014次接受了核切除术。在ADT的前3年期间,GNRH激动剂/睾丸切除术中的男性中T2DM的风险增加[即121.5岁,人数为1.61(95%CI:1.36-1.91)],与无人团的男性相比。此后风险降低(例如,324年HR:1.17(95%CI:0.98-1.40))。相反,在AA的男性中没有看到风险增加(HR:0.74(95%CI:0.65-0.84)。每1000人的T2DM的发病率为10人为PCA的男性为10个,为AA的男性为8人,13个适用于男性的GNRH激动剂/睾丸切除术。ADT的持续时间对T2DM的风险产生重大影响。随着待遇三年后的峰值,我们的数据表明ADT上的男性,即使是有限的时间,例如佐剂到放射治疗,是T2DM的风险增加。



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