首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Cancer =: Journal International du Cancer >Space-time clustering of childhood cancer around the residence at birth.

Space-time clustering of childhood cancer around the residence at birth.


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Previously, we identified space-time clustering in certain childhood cancers around diagnosis residence. These findings provided support for the involvement of environmental agents in etiological processes occurring close to diagnosis. We have reanalyzed the same British population-based dataset. The aim of the study was to determine whether there was space-time clustering around the residence at birth in relation to time of birth and separately from time of diagnosis. A total of 29,553 cases, diagnosed during the period 1969-1993, were examined by a second-order procedure based on K-functions. Locations were birth addresses, but separately, both dates of birth and diagnosis were analyzed. There was statistically significant space-time clustering for Hodgkin lymphoma (HL) and central nervous system (CNS) tumors (p=0.047 and 0.01, respectively, based on birth date) and for total leukemia at ages 1-4 years only, Non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL) and Wilms tumor (p=0.01, 0.02 and 0.006, respectively, based on diagnosis date). These results, interpreted together with other epidemiological evidence, suggest an etiological role for environmental factors focused around birth address for certain childhood cancers. For HL and CNS tumors, findings suggest that etiological exposures occurred at similar ages or in utero. For leukemia, NHL and Wilms tumor there is support for exposures occurring at similar times before diagnosis. For leukemia, HL, NHL and CNS tumors, but not Wilms tumor, the findings are consistent with infectious hypotheses.
机译:以前,我们确定了诊断住宅周围某些儿童癌症中的时空聚类。这些发现提供了对环境试剂在诊断接近发生的病因过程中的参与的支持。我们已经重新分析了同一个基于英国人的数据集。该研究的目的是确定在出生时间和诊断时分开居住地区是否存在时空聚类。在1969-1993期间,共有29,553例诊断,通过基于K职能的二阶程序进行检查。地点是出生地址,但分别分析了出生和诊断的疗效。对于霍奇金淋巴瘤(HL)和中枢神经系统(CNS)肿瘤(P = 0.047和0.01,基于出生日期)以及仅1-4岁的总白血病,有统计学上显着的时空聚类霍奇金淋巴瘤(NHL)和WILMS肿瘤(P = 0.01,0.02和0.006,分别基于诊断日期)。这些结果与其他流行病学证据一起解释,表明对某些儿童癌症的出生地址围绕出生地址的环境因素的病因学作用。对于HL和CNS肿瘤,研究结果表明,在类似年龄或子宫内发生病因曝光。对于白血病,NHL和WILMS肿瘤,诊断前的类似时间存在曝光的曝光。对于白血病,HL,NHL和CNS肿瘤,但不是WILMS肿瘤,结果与传染性假设一致。



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