首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Applied Engineering Research >Port Scanning Attack Analysis with Dempster-Shafer Evidence Theory

Port Scanning Attack Analysis with Dempster-Shafer Evidence Theory


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Port scanning is a process of probing networks, finding vulnerabilities and than infiltrate IT recourses. It is often the fundamental method utilized by intruder prior to initiate a targeted cyber attack. Port scan attack traffic does not contain any specific signature, therefore IDS based detection may suffer by generating many/false alerts. Manual examination is an error prone, labor intensive and time consuming process. This work presented an approach to detect port scanning attack based on the entropy and failed connection attempt made by each host. To analyze and prioritize the observed evidence, Dempster-Shafer theory is utilized to calculate combined belief of each host in support of the proposed hypothesis. A proof of concept prototype has been implemented using open source SNORT IDS system which uses, internet traffic data injected with crafted scans to validate the system. It is observed that the proposed approach correctly identifies and prioritize the crafted scans injected into real traffic.
机译:端口扫描是一个探测网络的过程,发现漏洞和渗透它恢复。通常在启动有针对性的网络攻击之前通过入侵者使用的基本方法。端口扫描攻击流量不包含任何特定签名,因此基于ID的检测可能会通过生成多/误警报来影响。手动检查是容易出错的,劳动密集型和耗时的过程。这项工作提出了一种基于每个主机所做的熵和失败的连接尝试来检测端口扫描攻击的方法。为了分析和优先考虑观察到的证据,Dempster-Shafer理论用于计算每个宿主的组合信念,以支持提出的假设。概念原型的证明已经使用使用的开源Snort IDS系统来实现,该系统用于注入制作扫描的Internet流量数据来验证系统。观察到所提出的方法正确识别并优先考虑被制作扫描被注入的制作扫描。



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