首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Agriculture, Environment and Biotechnology >Effect of Bulky Manures and Fermented Liquid Organics on Growth, Yield, Nutrient Uptake and Economics of French Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L) Under Rainfed Condition

Effect of Bulky Manures and Fermented Liquid Organics on Growth, Yield, Nutrient Uptake and Economics of French Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L) Under Rainfed Condition

机译:稀有肥料和发酵液体有机物对雨量条件下豆豆(Phenloolusulus vulgaris l)生长,产量,营养吸收和经济学的影响

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A field experiment was conducted to study the “Effect of bulky organic manures and fermented liquid organics on growth, yield, nutrient uptake and economics of French bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L) under rainfed condition” at Organic Farming Research Centre, Zonal Agricultural and Horticultural Research Station (ZAHRS), Navile, Shivamogga, during Kharif 2018–19. The experiment was laid out in randomized block design with ten treatments comprising of different bulky organic manures (FYM and Vermicompost) and fermented liquid organic manures (Beejamrutha, Jeevamruta, Panchagavya and Cow urine) were replicated thrice. Experimental results revealed that, significantly higher growth, yield attributes, economics and nutrient uptake with good shelf life and protein content of the French bean were found in the treatment which received Beejamrutha (seed treatment) + Jeevamrutha (soil application @ 500 L ha~(-1)) + 100% RDN through vermicompost + Foliar spray of Panchagavya @ 3% (T6) and were on par with application of Beejamrutha (seed treatment) + Jeevamrutha (soil application @ 500 L ha~(-1)) + 50% RDN through FYM + 50% RDN through vermicompost + Foliar spray of Panchagavya @ 3% (T7) and Beejamrutha (seed treatment) + Jeevamrutha (soil application @ 500L ha~(-1)) + 100% RDN through FYM + Foliar spray of Panchagavya @ 3% (T_5). Simillar trend of higher benefit cost ratio was also recorded in the same set of treatment combination. This study indicated that combined application of bulky and fermented liquid organic manures in seed treatments, soil application and foliar spray performed better in organic French bean production at best benefit ratio cost.
机译:进行了一个田间实验,以研究有机农业研究中心,区农业和园艺研究的雨水条件下法国豆(Phenloolusulus vulgaris L)生长,产量,营养吸收和经济学的“笨重的有机肥和发酵液体有机物的影响”站(Zahrs),Navile,Shivamogga,在Kharif 2018-19期间。在随机嵌段设计中铺设了该试验,其中包含不同的笨重有机粪便(FYM和蛭体)和发酵的液体有机块(BEEJAMRUTHA,JEEVAMRUTA,Panchagavya和母牛尿液)进行发酵。实验结果表明,在接受Beejamrutha(种子处理)+ jeevamrutha(土壤申请@ 500L Ha〜( - 通过FYM + 50%RDN通过蠕动+叶面喷雾Panchagavya @ 3%(T7)和Beejamrutha(种子处理)+ Jeevamrutha(土壤应用@ 500L HA〜(-1))+ 100%RDN通过FYM +叶面喷雾Panchagavya @ 3%(T_5)。较高益处成本比的SIMILLAR趋势也被记录在同一组治疗组合中。该研究表明,以最佳益处比成本,在种子处理中的种子处理,土壤施用和叶面喷雾中的笨重和发酵液体有机植物的综合应用更好。



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