首页> 外文期刊>Information Sciences: An International Journal >A hierarchical selection algorithm for multiple attributes decision making with large-scale alternatives

A hierarchical selection algorithm for multiple attributes decision making with large-scale alternatives


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We consider a multiple attributes decision making (MADM) problem in the presence of large-scale alternatives. Considering the large number of alternatives, we first try to identify if there exist some alternative sets with dominative patterns by determining a hyper-plane. If so, the superior alternatives can be easily selected. We then exploit the "divide and conquer" idea and develop a hierarchical MADM algorithm, which selects locally superior alternatives iteratively until the globally best alternative is reached. Specifically, we first divide the large-scale alternatives into several clusters, and determine the attribute weights at each round. We then select the locally superior alternative in each cluster. The attribute weights are updated based on the former attributes weights after each clustering, so as to remain consistent with the attributes weights throughout the hierarchical MADM algorithm. Finally, numerical experiments are conducted to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method. (C) 2020 Published by Elsevier Inc.
机译:我们在大规模替代方案存在时考虑多个属性决策(MADM)问题。考虑到大量替代方案,我们首先尝试通过确定超平面来确定是否存在一些具有主导模式的替代组。如果是这样,可以轻松选择卓越的替代方案。然后,我们利用“分割和征服”的想法并开发一个分层MADM算法,它迭代地选择局部优越的替代方案,直到达到全球最佳替代方案。具体地,我们首先将大型替代品划分为几个集群,并确定每轮的属性权重。然后,我们在每个群集中选择本地优越的替代方案。基于每个聚类之后的前一个属性权重更新属性权重,以便在整个分层MADM算法中保持与属性权重保持一致。最后,进行了数值实验以证明所提出的方法的有效性。 (c)由elsevier公司发布的2020年



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