首页> 外文期刊>Information Sciences: An International Journal >Properties of fuzzy transform obtained from L-p minimization and a connection with Zadeh's extension principle

Properties of fuzzy transform obtained from L-p minimization and a connection with Zadeh's extension principle


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In 2006 Perfilieva proved that the components F-k of the fuzzy transform are actually minimizers of certain weighted L-2 type distances, obtained from a fuzzy partition. Inspired by this property, we consider and analyze the properties of a fuzzy transform when the components F-k are obtained as minimizers with respect to weighted L-p type distances, where p = 1. In this way we can generate new approximation operators based on the fuzzy transform method. For these operators we obtain good rates of uniform convergence and what is more, they satisfy all the properties required for an effective approximation operator, such as additivity and homogeneity. If we consider the extended fuzzy transform and inverse fuzzy transform, respectively, in this setting of L-p type distances, then we get some nice supplementary properties like monotonicity of the operator and preservation of monotone functions. Finally, we consider fuzzy-valued versions of the L-1 and L-2 type fuzzy transforms, proposed recently as quantile and expectile smoothing tools, and we prove that the L-1 type fuzzy-valued transform of a continuous monotonic function f coincides with the Zadeh's fuzzy extension f(EP) evaluated at suitable fuzzy numbers, obtained from the basic functions of the used fuzzy partition. (C) 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
机译:2006年,Perfilieva证明了模糊变换的组件F-K实际上是某些加权L-2型距离的最小值,从模糊分区获得。受到此属性的启发,我们考虑并分析模糊变换的性质,当为最小化相对于加权的LP型距离而获得,其中P> = 1.通过这种方式,我们可以基于以下方式生成新的近似运算符模糊变换方法。对于这些运营商,我们获得了良好的统一收敛速率,并且更多的是,它们满足有效近似算子等所有属性,例如添加性和均匀性。如果我们考虑分别在L-P型距离的这种设置中分别考虑扩展模糊变换和反向模糊变换,那么我们将获得一些漂亮的补充属性,如操作员的单调性和单调功能的保存。最后,我们考虑了L-1和L-2型模糊变换的模糊值版本,最近提出为定量和延期的平滑工具,我们证明了连续单调功能F的L-1型模糊值转换一致利用Zadeh的模糊扩展F(EP)以合适的模糊数评估,从使用的模糊分区的基本功能中获得。 (c)2018年Elsevier Inc.保留所有权利。



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