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Changes in risk factors for preterm birth in Western Australia 1984-2006


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Objective To characterise changing risk factors of preterm birth in Western Australia between 1984 and 2006. Design Population-based study. Setting Western Australia. Population All non-Aboriginal women giving birth to live singleton infants between 1984 and 2006. Methods Multinomial, multivariable regression models were used to assess antecedent profiles by preterm status and labour onset types (spontaneous, medically indicated, prelabour rupture of membranes [PROM]). Population attributable fraction (PAF) estimates characterized the contribution of individual antecedents as well as the overall contribution of two antecedent groups: pre-existing medical conditions (including previous obstetric history) and pregnancy complications. Main outcome measure Antecedent relationships with preterm birth, stratified by labour onset type. Results Marked increases in maternal age and primiparous births were observed. A four-fold increase in the rates of pre-existing medical complications over time was observed. Rates of pregnancy complications remained stable. Multinomial regression showed differences in antecedent profiles across labour onset types. PAF estimates indicated that 50% of medically indicated preterm deliveries could be eliminated after removing six antecedents from the population; estimates for PROM and spontaneous preterm reduction were between 10 and 20%. Variables pertaining to previous and current obstetric complications (previous preterm birth, previous caesarean section, pre-eclampsia and antepartum haemorrhage) were the most influential predictors of preterm birth and adverse labour onset (PROM and medically indicated). Conclusions Preterm antecedent profiles have changed markedly over the 23 years studied. Some changes may be attributable to true change, others to advances in surveillance and detection. Still others may signify change in clinical practice.
机译:目的描述1984年至2006年间西澳大利亚州早产风险因素的变化。设计基于人群的研究。设置西澳大利亚州。人口1984年至2006年之间,所有非原住民妇女均已生育单胎婴儿。方法采用多项多元回归模型通过早产状态和分娩类型(自然,医学上指示的胎膜早破[PROM])评估先行情况。 。人口归因分数(PAF)估计表征了各个前因的贡献以及两个前因类别的总体贡献:既往医疗状况(包括以前的产科史)和妊娠并发症。主要结局指标按早产类型分分层的早产与早产的关系。结果观察到孕产妇年龄和初产明显增加。观察到现有医疗并发症的发生率随时间增加了四倍。妊娠并发症的发生率保持稳定。多项式回归显示了不同分娩类型的先行特征差异。 PAF的估计表明,从人群中去除六种先例后,可以消除医学上指示的早产的50%; PROM和自发性早产的减少估计在10%到20%之间。与先前和当前产科并发症(先前的早产,先前的剖腹产,先兆子痫和产前出血)相关的变量是影响早产和不良分娩的最有力预测因素(PROM和医学指征)。结论在研究的23年中,早产的先行特征发生了显着变化。某些更改可能归因于真实更改,而其他更改可能归因于监视和检测的进步。还有一些可能标志着临床实践的改变。



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