首页> 外文期刊>Advances in health sciences education: theory and practice >The overall impact of testing on medical student learning: Quantitative estimation of consequential validity

The overall impact of testing on medical student learning: Quantitative estimation of consequential validity


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Given medical education's longstanding emphasis on assessment, it seems prudent to evaluate whether our current research and development focus on testing makes sense. Since any intervention within medical education must ultimately be evaluated based upon its impact on student learning, this report seeks to provide a quantitative accounting of the learning gains attained through educational assessments. To approach this question, we estimate achieved learning within a medical school environment that optimally utilizes educational assessments. We compare this estimate to learning that might be expected in a medical school that employs no educational assessments. Effect sizes are used to estimate testing's total impact on learning by summarizing three effects; the direct effect, the indirect effect, and the selection effect. The literature is far from complete, but the available evidence strongly suggests that each of these effects is large and the net cumulative impact on learning in medical education is over two standard deviations. While additional evidence is required, the current literature shows that testing within medical education makes a strong positive contribution to learning.



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