首页> 外文期刊>Annals of the American Thoracic Society >The Misconception of Antibiotic Equal to an Anti-Inflammatory Drug Promoting Antibiotic Misuse among Chinese University Students

The Misconception of Antibiotic Equal to an Anti-Inflammatory Drug Promoting Antibiotic Misuse among Chinese University Students


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Massive misuse of antibiotics is one of the most important reasons for antimicrobial resistance (AMR). Misconceptions of antibiotics contribute to antibiotic misuse behaviors. This study aims to examine whether university students hold the misconception that Antibiotic is a Xiaoyanyao (literally means anti-inflammatory drug in Chinese), and association between this misconception and antibiotic misuse behaviors. A cross-sectional study was conducted among university students using the cluster random sampling method in six universities of six regions in China (one university per region). The Chi-square test was used to assess the relationship between the misconception and antibiotic misuse behaviors. Logistic regression was conducted to identify the risk factors for antibiotic misuse behaviors. 11,192 of university students completed the entire questionnaire. There were 3882 (34.7%) students who were considered to have the misconception. Female students were more likely to have the misconception compared with males (36.7% vs. 32.6%, P < 0.001). Those students with a background of social science/humanities were more likely to have the misconception compared with those from science and medicine (44.1% vs. 30.3% vs. 20.1%, P < 0.001). Students came from rural areas compared with those from urban areas (37.5% vs. 32.5%, P < 0.001) were more likely to have the misconception. Students who had the misconception were 1.51 (95% CI 1.21-1.89, P < 0.001) times, 1.34 (95% CI 1.21-1.48, P < 0.001) times, and 1.36 (95% CI 1.24-1.50, P < 0.001) times more likely to report self-medication, request to obtain antibiotics, and take antibiotics prophylactically than those who did not have this misconception, respectively. The high proportion of university students' misconception on Antibiotic is a Xiaoyanyao is worth more attention. Effective health education and interventions need to be promoted among university students and the whole population.
机译:大规模滥用抗生素是抗微生物抗性(AMR)的最重要原因之一。抗生素的误解有助于抗生素滥用行为。本研究旨在审查大学生是否患有抗生素是小扬的误解(字面意思是抗炎药中的抗炎药),以及这种误解和抗生素滥用行为之间的关联。在中国六个地区六所大学的大学生中,在大学生中进行了横断面研究(一个大学/地区)。 Chi-Square试验用于评估误解和抗生素滥用行为之间的关系。进行逻辑回归以确定抗生素滥用行为的危险因素。大学生11,192名学生完成了整个问卷。有3882名(34.7%)的学生被认为有误解。与男性相比,女学生更有可能误解(36.7%,P <0.001)。与来自科学和医学的人相比,那些有社会科学/人文学科的学生更有可能误解(44.1%与30.3%vs.20.1%,p <0.001)。与来自城市地区的学生来自农村(37.5%vs.32.5%,P <0.001)更有可能有误解。误解的学生是1.51(95%CI 1.21-1.89,P <0.001)次,1.34(95%CI 1.21-1.48,P <0.001)次,1.36(95%CI 1.24-1.50,P <0.001)报告自我药物的可能性更可能,要求获得抗生素,并分别服用预防性的抗生素,分别没有这种误解的人。大学生对抗生素误解的高比例是萧扬骆市值得注意。在大学生和整个人口中需要促进有效的健康教育和干预措施。



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