首页> 外文期刊>Annals of the American Association of Geographers >Beyond Narratives: Civic Epistemologies and the Coproduction of Environmental Knowledge and Popular Environmentalism in Thailand

Beyond Narratives: Civic Epistemologies and the Coproduction of Environmental Knowledge and Popular Environmentalism in Thailand


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Popular environmentalism can have limited democratic outcomes if it reproduces structures of social order. This article seeks to advance understandings of environmental democratization by examining the analytical framework of civic epistemologies as a complement to the current use of environmental narratives in political ecology and science and technology studies. Civic epistemologies are the preexisting dimensions of political order that the state and other actors seek to maintain as unchallengeable. They add to current analysis because they show the structures around which narratives form, as well as how knowledge and political agencies of different actors are coproduced in reductive ways. The article applies this analysis to popular environmentalism in Thailand and especially concerning community forests and logging from 1968 to present. Using a combination of interviews and content analysis of historic newspaper reporting, the article shows how diverse actors-including state, elite conservationists, and peasant activists-have organized political activism and ecological claims about forests according to unchallenged norms of appropriate community culture and behavior. These actions have kept narratives about forests and society in place and worked against alternative and arguably more empowering visions of communities and forests in recent years. The article argues that revealing civic epistemologies can contribute to a deeper form of environmental democratization than engaging in environmental politics based on existing narratives or analyzing the limitations of narratives alone.
机译:如果它再现社会秩序的结构,流行的环保主义可能有有限的民主成果。本文旨在通过审查公民认识会学的分析框架作为对政治生态学和科技研究中的环境叙事的补充,提前了解环境民主化的理解。公民认识位学是国家和其他演员寻求保持不可挑战的政治秩序的预先存在的尺寸。他们增加了目前的分析,因为它们展示了叙述表格周围的结构,以及不同行为者的知识和政治机构如何以还原方式共同传递。本文将这种分析应用于泰国的流行环境保护,特别是关于社区森林和1968年的伐木到场。本文利用了历史报纸报告的采访和内容分析的组合,展示了各种行动者 - 包括国家,精英保护主义者和农民活动家 - 根据适当的社区文化和行为的未挑战规范组织了关于森林的政治活动和生态侦探。这些行动使森林和社会的叙事保持在适当的地方,并近年来努力反对替代方案,并可以更加努力更有赋予社区和森林的愿望。本文认为,揭示公民认识学性能可以促进更深入的环境民主化,而不是根据现有的叙述从事环境政治或单独分析叙述的局限性。



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