首页> 外文期刊>American journal of Alzheimer's disease and other dementias >Relationship Continuity/Discontinuity-A Framework for Investigating the Role of Relationships in the Experience of Living With Dementia

Relationship Continuity/Discontinuity-A Framework for Investigating the Role of Relationships in the Experience of Living With Dementia

机译:关系连续性/不连续性 - 一种调查关系在痴呆症的经验中的角色的框架

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A recent paper (Riley, Evans and Oyebode, 2018) reported that a sense of discontinuity in carers' experience of their spousal relationship with a person with dementia is associated with a greater sense of burden and fewer rewards from the caregiving role. This commentary sets the paper in context by providing a brief overview of research relating to relationship continuity/discontinuity. Factors that may explain why some carers experience continuity but others discontinuity are reviewed. So, too, is the potential impact of continuity/discontinuity on how the carer copes with the challenges of dementia. Possible future research is discussed.
机译:最近的一篇论文(Riley,Evans和Oyebode,2018)报道称,护理人员与痴呆症人的人的配偶关系的不连续性感觉与痴呆症的伴侣关系有关,与护理作用的奖励更少。 此评论通过简要概述与关系连续性/不连续性有关的研究简要概述。 可能解释为什么一些照顾者经历连续性的因素,但其他人不连续。 因此,也是连续性/不连续性对照顾者如何应对痴呆症的挑战的潜在影响。 讨论了可能的未来研究。



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