首页> 外文期刊>AIChE Journal >Heat transfer of dry granular materials in a bladed mixer: Effect of thermal properties and agitation rate

Heat transfer of dry granular materials in a bladed mixer: Effect of thermal properties and agitation rate


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Agitated drying of pharmaceuticals remains a challenging manufacturing step due to the simultaneous heat transfer, mass transfer, and physicochemical changes occurring during the process. This work focuses on the heat transfer component by implementing the discrete element method to model dry particles in a heated bladed mixer. Simulations varying material conductivities and impeller agitation rates were conducted to evaluate the influence on the mean bed temperature and distribution. The results indicated that increasing the agitation rate generally improved heat transfer up until a critical agitation rate where the rate of heat transfer plateaued. The magnitude of this improvement in heat transfer depended on the material's thermal properties. We observed three regimes: a conduction-dominated regime where particles heated quickly but with an annular temperature gradient, a granular convection-dominated regime where particles heated slowly but uniformly, and an intermediate regime. The results were nondimensionalized to enable predictions and help inform drying protocols.



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