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A 63-Year-Old Male Interfacility Transfer for Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation Evaluation


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A 63-year-old white male patient with a history of hypertension and hyperlipid-emia and a remote history of cervical neck cancer and tuberculosis presented to an urgent care clinic with a complaint of dyspnea with an associated cough productive of rust-colored sputum, fevers, and myalgia for several days. Despite over-the-counter treatments, the patient reported that his cough was worse at night and was increasing in severity. He continued to be compliant with his home medications, which included hydrochlorothiazide (25 mg), lisinopril (10 mg), and pravastatin (40 mg). In the urgent care clinic, his examination was significant for the following vital signs: blood pressure of 128/74, heart rate of 108, respiratory rate of 18, SpO_2 of 95% on room air, and an oral temperature of 99.8°F. Rapid influenza A antigen and B antigen tests were negative. He was diagnosed with bronchitis and prescribed albuterol (90 y-g), benzoate (100 mg), guai-fenesin (600 mg), and ibuprofen (400 mg).
机译:一名63岁的白人男性患者,具有高血压和高脂癌症的历史,宫颈癌癌症和结核病的远程历史,呈现给呼吸护理诊所,呼吸呼吸困难的呼吸困难,伴有生锈的咳嗽有效的咳嗽, 发烧,和肌痛几天。 尽管存在过于抵押的治疗,但患者报告说,他的咳嗽在晚上更糟,严重程度增加。 他继续符合他的家庭药物,其中包括氢氯噻嗪(25mg),丽思诺普利(10mg)和普伐他汀(40mg)。 在紧急护理诊所,他的检查对于以下生命体征显着:128/74的血压,108,呼吸速率为18,室内空气的呼吸速率为95%,口腔温度为99.8°F。 快速流感抗原和B抗原试验是阴性的。 他被诊断出患有支气管炎和规定的白甲醇(90 y-g),苯甲酸盐(100mg),guai-fenesin(600mg)和布洛芬(400mg)。



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