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Booklover-Changing of the Guards

机译:书橱 - 改变卫兵

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The announcement of the Nobel Laureates in all the various disciplines is one of my personal anticipations each autumn. When it was announced that Bob Dylan had been awarded the 2016 Nobel Prize in Literature "for having created new poetic expressions within the great American song tradition," I realized that a trip to the library was not going to be on my agenda. Instead I would find myself delving into a collection of more than 600 song lyrics online, for Bob Dylan is the first musician to win the prize in the 115 years of Nobel history.
机译:所有各种学科的诺贝尔劳保人宣布是我秋天的个人预期之一。 当宣布鲍勃迪伦被授予2016年诺贝尔文学奖“以创造了在伟大的美国歌剧传统中创造了新的诗意表达,”我意识到图书馆的旅行不会达到我的议程。 相反,我会发现自己在网上钻研超过600首歌曲歌词,对于鲍勃迪伦是第一个在诺贝尔历史上赢得奖品的音乐家。



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