首页> 外文期刊>Administration and policy in mental health >Public Health Coverage and Access to Mental Health Care for Youth with Complex Behavioral Healthcare Needs

Public Health Coverage and Access to Mental Health Care for Youth with Complex Behavioral Healthcare Needs


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Drawing upon the National Survey of Children with Special Healthcare Needs (2009/2010), multilevel logistic regression analysis assessed the relationship between parent report of a youth having an emotional, behavioral, or developmental problem (EBDP), their level of reported functional limitations, and parents' report of unmet mental health care needs and experience with cost-barriers to accessing needed healthcare services. Results indicate that, compared to all privately insured youth with special health care needs, parents of privately insured youth with EBDP are much more likely to report their child having unmet mental health care needs (OR 12.16; p < 0.001) and experiencing cost barriers to care (OR 2.37; p < 0.001). Parents of privately insured youth with EBDP with functional limitations are even more likely to report these concerns (Unmet Mental Health Needs: OR 17.09; p < 0.001; Cost Barriers: OR 5.77; p < 0.001). However, findings suggest that having public insurance is associated with reductions in the odds of having unmet needs for youth with SED by 50%. Public insurance and dual coverage is associated with reductions in the odds of encountering cost barriers to care by almost 50% for children with EBDP, and by more 50% for youth with EBDP and functional impairments.
机译:借鉴具有特殊医疗保健需求的儿童的国家调查(2009/2010),多级物流回归分析评估了青年的母公司报告与情感,行为或发育问题(EBDP)的关系,他们报告的功能限制水平,和父母的未满足心理保健需求和经验,以获得所需的医疗保健服务。结果表明,与具有特殊医疗保健需求的所有私人保险青年相比,私人被保险青年与EBDP的父母更有可能报告其未满足心理医疗保健需求(或12.16; P <0.001)并经历成本障碍护理(或2.37; p <0.001)。私人保险青年的父母与功能局限性的eBDP更有可能报告这些问题(未满足心理健康需求:或17.09; P <0.001;成本屏障:或5.77; P <0.001)。然而,调查结果表明,拥有公共保险与减少有关未满足青年需求的赔率与SED达到50%。公共保险和双重覆盖率与额外抵押贷款的损害赔率的减少有关,对于ebdp的儿童近50%,对于EBDP和功能损伤的青少年来说,更高50%。



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