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Evaluation of Margin Status of a Breast Lumpectomy Specimen: What the Radiologist Should Know


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Breast Conserving Therapy (BCS) or lumpectomy has been an established treatment option for women with early-stage invasive breast cancers. Surgical margin status has a significant impact on local recurrence. However, there is much complexity in achieving a negative lumpectomy margin. There are multiple risks and predictors of positive surgical margins that the radiologist needs to be familiar with. When working as a member of a multidisciplinary team, it is important to be cognizant of the pathologist’s and surgeon’s roles in reducing the number of failed breast conserving surgeries. Despite the common use of imaging to help avoid positive surgical margins, it is important to remember the limitations of standard intraoperative specimen radiographs. A negative resection margin is the goal of BCS ensuring decrease of local recurrence, increased cosmesis, and improved long-term survival.
机译:乳房保守治疗(BCS)或Lumpecectomy是患有早期侵袭性乳腺癌的妇女的成熟的治疗选择。 外科保证金状态对局部复发产生重大影响。 然而,在实现消极的肿块切除术边缘方面存在很大的复杂性。 有多种风险和预测的积极手术边距,放射科医师需要熟悉。 在作为多学科团队的成员工作时,重要的是要认识到病理学家和外科医生在减少失败的乳房保守手术人员的角色方面的作用。 尽管成像的常用用来帮助避免正面外科利润,但重要的是要记住标准术中标本X线本的局限性。 负面切除保证金是BCS的目标,确保局部复发,增加的患者增加,改善长期存活。



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