首页> 外文期刊>Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica: Official Publication of the Nordisk Forening for Obstetrik och Gynekologi >Registration of Down syndrome in the Medical Birth Registry of Norway: validity and time trends.

Registration of Down syndrome in the Medical Birth Registry of Norway: validity and time trends.


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OBJECTIVE: To validate Down syndrome registration in the Medical Birth Registry of Norway (MBRN), 2001-2005, and study time trends and geographical differences in Down syndrome prevalence,1967-2005. DESIGN/SETTING: Population-based cohort study, Norway. POPULATION: 2.3 million pregnancies and births registered in the MBRN, 1967-2005. METHODS: We linked data from the MBRN during 2001-2005 with data from Norway's four laboratories of medical genetics. We calculated sensitivity and positive predictive values (PPV) of the MBRN registration overall, and by background variables. Prevalence rates from 1967 to 2005, overall and regional, were presented graphically as smoothed lowess estimates, crude and standardized for maternal age. Time trends were evaluated, adjusting for maternal age by logistic regression. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Sensitivity, PPV, and prevalence rates. RESULTS: Five hundred and seventy-six verified cases of Down syndrome gave a prevalence of 2.0 per 1,000 among 288,213 births and terminations in the MBRN during 2001-2005. Of verified cases, 470 (81.6%) were registered with Down syndrome in the MBRN, while 470 (90.2%) of 521 MBRN-registered cases were verified. Sensitivity was higher in the Northern (93.1%; p=0.005) and Middle (90.6%; p=0.02) region relative the Southern (76.3%), higher for mothers > or =35 years (92.9%) than younger ones (86.1%; p=0.01), and higher for live births (88.8%) relative stillbirths (55.6%; p<0.001). When adjusting for maternal age, there were no significant time trends in prevalence rates from 1967 to 2005. Regional differences over time were found, probably representing reporting differences. CONCLUSIONS: Validity of registration in the MBRN was satisfactory during 2001-2005. Increasing prevalence rates over time were explained by increasing maternal age.
机译:目的:验证唐纳综合症在挪威医学出生登记处(MBRN)的注册情况,2001- 2005年,研究唐纳综合症患病率的时间趋势和地理差异,1967- 2005年。设计/地点:基于人群的队列研究,挪威。人口:1967-2005年,在MBRN中登记的怀孕和出生人数为230万。方法:我们将2001-2005年间MBRN的数据与挪威四个医学遗传学实验室的数据相链接。我们通过背景变量计算了MBRN注册总体的敏感性和阳性预测值(PPV)。以图表形式显示了从1967年到2005年的总体和地区患病率,这些数据是平滑的最低估计值,粗略的和标准化的产妇年龄。对时间趋势进行了评估,并通过逻辑回归对产妇年龄进行了调整。主要观察指标:敏感性,PPV和患病率。结果:2001年至2005年期间,MBRN的288,213例出生和终止中,有576例经证实的唐氏综合症病例的患病率为每千人中2.0。在经过核实的病例中,MBRN中有470例(81.6%)患有唐氏综合症,而在521例MBRN中有470例(90.2%)得到了证实。北部地区(93.1%; p = 0.005)和中部地区(90.6%; p = 0.02)的敏感性相对于南部地区(76.3%)要高,大于或等于35岁的母亲(96.1%)要比年轻的女性(86.1)高%; p = 0.01),活产相对较高(88.8%)相对死产(55.6%; p <0.001)。在调整产妇年龄后,1967年至2005年的患病率没有明显的时间趋势。发现随时间推移的地区差异,可能代表了报告差异。结论:在2001-2005年期间,MBRN中的注册有效性令人满意。随着年龄的增长,患病率的增加可以通过增加产妇年龄来解释。



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