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Determinants of pollinator activity and flower preference in the early spring blooming Crocus vernus


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This study examines the effects of environmental factors on the pollination activity on Crocus vernus by Apis mellifera, and also whether bees discriminate among flowers on the basis of floral display size and colour. Flower density was much more important than temperature, hu midi ty, and time of day and season in explaining variation in bee numbers, the total number of flowers visited, the number of flowers visited by individual bees and the total number of visits per flower (visitation rate) during 10 min observation periods. Although flower density positively influenced bee abundance and the number of flowers visited by individual bees, we found a negative relationship between flower density and visitation rates, suggesting that the pool of available pollinators was saturated at flower densities below maximum. Despite this, visitation rates were high. On average a flower received 3.42 visits during one hour; thus there seems to be little intraspecific competition for pollinators despite saturation of the pollinator pool. There was no significant difference between the size or colour of flowers that were visited, approached, or ignored by bees, and duration of visits was not related to floral display size or colour. Thus. on average A. mellifera did not appear to discriminate between flowers on the basis of floral display. Consequently, the data indicate that there is no pollinator mediated selection on floral display, driven by discriminating pollinators. (C) Elsevier, Paris. [References: 62]
机译:这项研究研究了环境因素对美国蜜蜂(Apis mellifera)对番红花(Crocus vernus)授粉活性的影响,以及蜜蜂是否根据花的大小和颜色区分花。花朵密度比温度,湿度,一天中的季节和季节的时间重要得多,它可以用来解释蜜蜂数量,拜访的花朵总数,单个蜜蜂拜访的花朵数量以及每朵花朵拜访总数的变化(访问率)在10分钟的观察期内。尽管花密度对蜜蜂的丰度和单个蜜蜂探访的花朵数量有积极影响,但我们发现花朵密度与探访率之间存在负相关关系,这表明在低于最大花朵密度时,可用的传粉媒介池已饱和。尽管如此,访问率很高。一朵花平均在一小时内收到3.42次造访;因此,尽管授粉媒介池已经饱和,种粉竞争似乎很少。蜜蜂拜访,接近或忽略的花朵的大小或颜色之间没有显着差异,拜访的持续时间与花卉展示的大小或颜色无关。从而。平均而言,A。mellifera似乎没有根据花的表现来区分花。因此,数据表明在花粉展示中没有传粉媒介介导的选择,这是由区分传粉媒介驱动的。 (C)爱思唯尔,巴黎。 [参考:62]



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