首页> 外文期刊>Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica: Official Publication of the Nordisk Forening for Obstetrik och Gynekologi >History of cesarean before 32 weeks' gestation and trial of labor: what is the risk of uterine rupture?

History of cesarean before 32 weeks' gestation and trial of labor: what is the risk of uterine rupture?


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OBJECTIVES: To estimate the risk of uterine rupture in women with a previous cesarean delivery before 32 weeks' gestation and a trial of labor. DESIGN: Retrospective case control study. Setting. Level III maternity center. METHODS: Among women with trial of labor, the case and control groups were women with previous cesarean section before and after 32 weeks, respectively. The main outcome was uterine rupture, defined as rupture of the three layers of the uterine wall. RESULTS: The study compared 108 trials of labor in patients with a previous cesarean delivery at a mean gestation of 29.8 weeks+/-2.0 SD and 137 trials of labor in patients with a previous cesarean delivery at a mean gestation of 39.2 weeks+/-2.3 SD. Mode of delivery did not differ between groups. Two uterine ruptures (1.9%, 95% CI: 0.0-4.4) occurred in the case group and none in the control group (p=0.16). Uterine ruptures caused no serious maternal or neonatal complications. The condition of the neonates was similar in the two groups. CONCLUSION: In view of the small number of uterine ruptures and the absence of severe maternal and fetal consequences over an 8-year period, a trial of labor may be proposed to women with a history of cesarean delivery before 32 weeks, when obstetrical conditions are optimal.
机译:目的:评估在妊娠32周之前进行剖宫产并进行分娩试验的妇女,子宫破裂的风险。设计:回顾性病例对照研究。设置。 III级产妇中心。方法:在接受分娩试验的妇女中,病例组和对照组分别是在32周之前和之后进行过剖宫产的妇女。主要结局是子宫破裂,定义为子宫壁三层破裂。结果:该研究比较了平均分娩为29.8周+/- 2.0 SD的剖宫产患者的108项分娩试验和平均分娩为39.2周+/- 2.3 SD的剖宫产患者的137次分娩的试验。两组之间的分娩方式没有差异。病例组发生了两次子宫破裂(1.9%,95%CI:0.0-4.4),而对照组则没有破裂(p = 0.16)。子宫破裂不会引起严重的孕产妇或新生儿并发症。两组的新生儿情况相似。结论:鉴于在8年的时间内子宫破裂的次数少,并且没有严重的母婴后果,因此,如果有产科疾病,在32周之前有剖宫产史的妇女可以建议进行分娩试验。最佳。



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