首页> 外文期刊>Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica: Official Publication of the Nordisk Forening for Obstetrik och Gynekologi >Management of severely painful uterine leiomyoma in a pregnant woman with epidural block using a subcutaneous injection port

Management of severely painful uterine leiomyoma in a pregnant woman with epidural block using a subcutaneous injection port


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SirPain is the most common complication of leiomyoma in pregnancy (1). Severe abdominal pain can occur if a leiomyoma undergoes degeneration, which occurs in 5-8 of leiomyomas during pregnancy (2,3)- We wish to call attention to successful severe pain management by epidural administration of a local anesthetic via a subcutaneous injection port in a 32-year-old primigravida who had degeneration of uterine leiomyomas at 23 weeks pregnancy. She had been referred to our hospital because of uncontrolled abdominal pain. On axial T2-weighted MRI imaging, two 14 x 9 cm and 11 x 8 cm intramural myomas with degeneration were detected in the right lateral and postero-inferior body of the uterus. The degree of her abdominal pain was 910 on a visual analog scale (VAS) and she had regular uterine contractions. She was treated with intravenous ritodrine hydrochloride for the preterm contractions. Acetoaminophen, codeine and even intravenous pethidinemeperidine failed to control her pain. At our pain clinic we administered local anesthesia by epidural and patient controlled analgesia (PCA) was initiated with a dose of fentanyl 6 gh and 0.25 ropivacaine 6 mLh.
机译:SirPain是妊娠期平滑肌瘤最常见的并发症(1)。如果平滑肌瘤发生变性,可能会导致严重的腹痛,这种情况发生在妊娠期间的5-8岁的平滑肌瘤中(2,3)。一名32岁的孕妇在怀孕23周时患有子宫平滑肌瘤。由于腹部疼痛不受控制,她已被转介到我们医院。在轴向T2加权MRI成像中,在子宫的右侧和后下体中发现了两个变性的14 x 9 cm和11 x 8 cm壁内肌瘤。在视觉模拟量表(VAS)上,她的腹痛程度为910,并且子宫规则收缩。用静脉注射盐酸利多君治疗早产。醋氨酚,可待因,甚至静脉注射哌替啶/哌替啶无法控制她的疼痛。在我们的疼痛诊所,我们通过硬膜外麻醉进行局部麻醉,并开始使用剂量为6 gh的芬太尼和剂量为6 mLh的罗哌卡因进行患者自控镇痛(PCA)。



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