
Improving women's health locally and globally


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A young girl eating ice cream covers this month's issue of AOGS. For many of us this symbolizes the warm and relaxing summertime and a vacation spent peacefully with friends and family. This is, however, not the case for everybody in the world. Lately we have faced several terrible news from around the world, many of these demonstrating the results of violence and abuse against women. In May two teenage girls were raped and murdered and found hanged in a tree in northern India (http://www.bbc.comews/world-asia-india-27615590). Sadly, these girls are only two more in a series of similar crimes on girls and women being reported in the news from India during the last year (http://www.npr.org/tags/ 169965972/india-rape-case). Violence against women is though not unique to India, - rather it is prevalent around the world. In the Women and Health report from WHO it is stated that 35% of women worldwide have experienced violence.
机译:一个吃冰淇淋的年轻女孩报道了本月的AOGS。对于我们中的许多人来说,这象征着温暖而轻松的夏日,以及与朋友和家人和平度过的假期。但是,世界上每个人的情况并非如此。最近,我们面临着来自世界各地的若干可怕消息,其中许多事件表明了对妇女的暴力和虐待的结果。 5月,两名少女被强奸和谋杀,并被绞死在印度北部的一棵树上(http://www.bbc.comews/world-asia-india-27615590)。可悲的是,在去年印度新闻中报道的一系列女孩和妇女类似犯罪中,这些女孩仅是其中的两个(http://www.npr.org/tags/ 169965972 / india-rape-case) 。对妇女的暴力行为虽然不是印度独有的,但它在世界各地都很普遍。世卫组织的《妇女与健康报告》指出,全世界35%的妇女遭受了暴力。



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