首页> 外文期刊>Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica: Official Publication of the Nordisk Forening for Obstetrik och Gynekologi >Report on the FIGO-SOGP Saving the Mothers and Newborn Health Project in Pakistan. An NFOG concern.

Report on the FIGO-SOGP Saving the Mothers and Newborn Health Project in Pakistan. An NFOG concern.

机译:关于FIGO-SOGP在巴基斯坦拯救母亲和新生儿健康项目的报告。 NFOG关注。

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FIGO is increasing its involvement in female health matters around the world. Funds have been solicited for Saving the Mothers and Newborn Health Projects in 12 developing countries. The obstetrics and gynecology society and midwifery association of each project country has been affiliated to a Western society, in what is called 'twinning'. The Swedish Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (SFOG) has twinned with the Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Pakistan (SOGP). The SFOG board has signed a letter of understanding. A similar arrangement has been created between the Danish society (DSOG) and its Nigerian counterpart. Both twinning projects are supported by NFOG. In Pakistan, achievements so far are promising despite formidable problems in society, health care and security.
机译:FIGO正在增加其在全球女性健康事务中的参与度。已为12个发展中国家募集了用于拯救母亲和新生儿保健项目的资金。每个项目国家的妇产科协会和助产士协会都隶属于西方社会,即“双胞胎”。瑞典妇产科医师协会(SFOG)与巴基斯坦妇产科医师协会(SOGP)结为伙伴。 SFOG董事会已签署谅解书。丹麦社会(DSOG)与尼日利亚社会之间也建立了类似的安排。这两个孪生项目均由NFOG支持。在巴基斯坦,尽管社会,卫生保健和安全方面存在巨大问题,但迄今为止取得的成就是可喜的。



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