首页> 外文期刊>Acta oecologica >Patterns of resource exploitation in four coexisting globeflower fly species (Chiastocheta sp.)

Patterns of resource exploitation in four coexisting globeflower fly species (Chiastocheta sp.)

机译:四种并存的菊科花蝇资源开发模式(Chiastocheta sp。)

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Life history and spatio-temporal patterns of resource utilisation were characterised in four Chiastocheta (Diptera: Anthomyiidae) species, whose larvae compete as seed predators on Trollius europaeus fruits. Interspecific co-occurrence was observed in 80% of the resource patches (= Trollius fruits) in the two communities studied. Isolated larvae from all species had a similar food intake, but differed in development time and size at emergence Different species exhibit contrasting resource exploitation strategies with specific mining patterns and a partial temporal shift. Two species exhibited particularly singular strategies. C. rotundiventris escaped from strong interactions with other species because it was the first species to develop and the only one to exploit the central pith of Trollius fruits. The key role of this species as the main pollinator of the host-plant appears to be a by-product of constraints imposed by occupying a restricted niche. Although the resource is ephemeral due to seed dispersal, C. dentifera, the last species to oviposit, is not disadvantaged because it has a short development time and rapid food intake. The different patterns can partly explain the stability of Chiastocheta communities, but do not prevent competition to occur at high larval densities. (c) 2006 Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.
机译:四种Chiastocheta(Diptera:Anthomyiidae)物种的生活史和资源利用的时空分布特征,其幼虫作为欧洲金莲花果实的种子捕食者竞争。在所研究的两个社区中,在80%的资源斑块(=金莲花果实)中观察到种间共现。从所有物种中分离出的幼虫具有相似的食物摄入量,但是发育时间和出苗时的大小不同。不同的物种表现出不同的资源开发策略,具有特定的开采方式和部分时间变化。两个物种表现出特别奇异的策略。 C. rotundiventris摆脱了与其他物种的强烈相互作用,因为它是第一个发育的物种,也是唯一利用金莲花果实中心髓的物种。该物种作为寄主植物的主要传粉媒介的关键作用似乎是由于占据有限的生态位而产生的限制条件的副产品。尽管由于种子传播,该资源是短暂的,但最后一个产卵的齿形衣藻(C. dentifera)并没有受到不利影响,因为它的发育时间短且食物摄入迅速。不同的模式可以部分解释Chiastocheta群落的稳定性,但不能阻止竞争在高幼虫密度下发生。 (c)2006年Elsevier SAS。版权所有。



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