首页> 外文期刊>Clinical anatomy: official journal of the American Association of Clinical Anatomists & the British Association of Clinical Anatomists >Injury to the infrapatellar branch of the saphenous nerve during tendon graft harvesting for knee ligament reconstruction: An ultrasound simulation study

Injury to the infrapatellar branch of the saphenous nerve during tendon graft harvesting for knee ligament reconstruction: An ultrasound simulation study


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The clinical anatomy of the infrapatellar branch of the saphenous nerve (IPBSN) is of particular importance during operations in the area of the knee, especially when material for anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction is harvested. The nerve can easily be injured during the harvesting procedure, leading to postoperative complications that reduce quality of life. Three different skin incisions are commonly used during hamstring tendon harvesting: horizontal, vertical, and oblique. The aim of this ultrasound simulation study was to assess the risk of IPBSN injury associated with the type of skin incision and the point-of-emergence of the IPBSN relative to the sartorius muscle. Thirty healthy volunteers (60 lower limbs) were recruited for identification of the IPBSN. When it was found, using a high-frequency ultrasound probe, three different 3 cm skin incisions over the pes anserinus were simulated. Vertical, horizontal, or oblique lines simulating incisions were marked over the pes anserinus and ultrasound was used to visualize the structures that could be injured during the marked incisions. The IPBSN was visualized in 58 lower limbs (96.7%). The results of the simulation study indicated that the vertical incision should be avoided during hamstring tendon harvesting, as it is associated with a significantly higher risk of injury (25.9%) to the IPBSN than the horizontal (3.5%) or oblique (8.6%) incisions. We recommend that a preoperative ultrasound assessment of IPBSN anatomy be performed to minimize the risk of iatrogenic injury to the nerve and associated complications. Clin. Anat. 30:868-872, 2017. (c) 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
机译:在膝关节区域的操作期间,隐神经(IPBSN)的临床解剖学在膝关节区域的操作中特别重要,尤其是当收获前令人毛骨悚然的韧带重建的材料时。在收获程序期间,神经很容易受伤,导致术后并发症,以降低生活质量。在腿筋肌腱收集期间常用三种不同的皮肤切口:水平,垂直和倾斜。这种超声仿真研究的目的是评估与皮肤切口类型相关的IPBSN损伤的风险以及IPBSN相对于Sartorius肌肉的出现点。招募了三十个健康的志愿者(60只肢体),以识别IPBSN。发现使用高频超声探头时,模拟了PESERINUS上的三种不同的3厘米皮肤切口。模拟切口的垂直,水平或斜线标记在PESERINUS和超声中,用于可视化在标记的切口期间可能受伤的结构。 IPBSN在58个下肢(96.7%)中可视化。仿真研究的结果表明,在腿筋肌腱收割过程中应避免垂直切口,因为它与IPBSN的损伤风险显着更高,而不是水平(3.5%)或斜(8.6%)切口。我们建议进行IPBSN解剖学的术前超声评估,以最大限度地降低对神经和相关并发症的性能损伤的风险。临床。 anat。 30:868-872,20177。(c)2017 Wiley期刊,Inc。



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