首页> 外文期刊>Colon & Rectum >Double-blind randomised controlled trial of effect of metronidazole on pain after day-case haemorrhoidectomy

Double-blind randomised controlled trial of effect of metronidazole on pain after day-case haemorrhoidectomy


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Background: Haemorrhoidectomy is commonly an inpatient procedure because patients and doctors worry about postoperative pain. Day-case haemorrhoidectomy (DCH) is possible if patient anxiety is addressed, and postoperative pain and bowel function are managed. Pain sometimes increases a few days after haemorrhoidectomy, possibly because of secondary infection. We studied the effect of metronidazole on pain after DCH. Methods'. We randomly assigned 40 consecutive patients admitted for DCH metronidazole 400 mg (N= 20) or placebo (N= 20) three times daily, both for 7 days. All patients received lactulose from 2 days before surgery for 2 weeks. Diathermy DCH was performed without pedicle ligature or anal-canal dressing, and a diclofenac suppository was administered at the end of the procedure. Patients were discharged on the same day with diclofenac, 0.2% glyceryl trinitrate ointment, lactulose, a telephone number to call for queries in emergencies, and an outpatient appointment. Patients took paracetamol or co-dydramol (dihydrocodeine and paracetamol) as required; they completed linear analogue charts every day and completed questionnaires on satisfaction at 1 and 6 weeks. Findings'. Thirty-four patients had all three major piles excised, of whom seven had additional division and reconstruction of the posterior skin bridge. Overall, both groups of patients experienced less pain than expected, except on days 3 and 4. Patients in the metronidazole group had significantly less pain than those in the placebo group on days 5, 6, and 7(P = 0.004, P = 0.02, and P = 0.006). Median time to return to work or normal activity was 15 days (range 12-28) in the metronidazole group and 18 days (7-34) in the placebo group (P = 0.009). The patient satisfaction score was higher in the metronidazole group than in the placebo group at 1 week (P = 0.005). Interpretation: Prophylactic metronidazole in diathermy DCH suppressed secondary pain around days 5-7 and increased patient satisfaction and earlier return to work.
机译:背景:痔核切除术通常是住院性程序,因为患者和医生担心术后疼痛。如果解决患者焦虑,并且管理术后疼痛和肠功能,则可以进行日情况出血术(DCH)。疼痛有时会在出血后切除术后几天增加,可能是因为继发感染。我们研究了甲硝唑对DCH后疼痛的影响。方法'。我们随机分配了40名连续40名允许DCH甲硝唑400mg(n = 20)或安慰剂(N = 20)的3次,两者为7天。所有患者均在手术前2天接受乳糖2周。在没有椎弓根结扎或分析敷料的情况下进行透热疗效,并且在程序结束时施用双氯芬蛋白栓剂。患者在同一天用双氯芬酸排出,0.2%甘油甘油酯软膏,乳糖,电话号码,呼吁在紧急情况下进行查询,以及门诊病人。患者根据需要服用扑热息痛或乙酰氰醇(二氢氨基甲酰胺和乙酰氨基酚);他们每天完成线性模拟图表,并在1和6周内完成满意的问卷。发现'。三十四名患者都有三个主要桩,其中七个有额外的划分和重建后皮桥。总体而言,除了第3天和第4天,两组患者患者患者的痛苦比预期更少。甲硝唑基团的患者比第5,6,6和7天的安慰剂组疼痛显着较低(P = 0.004,P = 0.02 ,p = 0.006)。在甲硝唑组中返回工作或正常活动的中位时间为15天(范围12-28),安慰剂组中18天(7-34)(P = 0.009)。甲硝唑基团的患者满意度评分比安慰剂组在1周(P = 0.005)。解释:透法透析的预防性甲硝唑抑制了第5-7天左右的次要疼痛,增加了患者满意度和早期回归工作。



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