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Trends and tendencies - how experts of the horticultural sector expect business environment in the future.


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The expert opinions of 170 horticultural business executives on the future of the German horticultural sector were elicited. High regard for home gardening, growing interest for gardens and plants as well as the desire to enjoy nature, and an aging society, are relevant changes in the macro-environment that are expected to give positive impulses for the tree nursery and ornamental plant market. Increasing market opportunities are seen for rarities and specialities in both the tree nursery and ornamental plant sectors. Building up the profile of retail companies, measures to increase customer loyalty as well as experience marketing are a matter of priority assessed by all participants of the supply chain. At the production level of the tree nursery and ornamental sectors the trend is towards larger business units, increasing the use of technology and specialization of production. A broader regional concentration of production is foreseen as well. Changed market structures also change the requirements made to participants of the supply chain. In connection with this, the topic of supply chain management is regarded as an important strategic topic in the future. Technological progress in production, the acceleration of innovation processes, and the development of information and communication technologies are judged by 90-95% of all questioned experts as opportunities for their enterprise. The same judgement is made for the availability of capital and qualified workers. The majority of the enterprises also see risks in these factors. In particular, capital shortage for necessary investments and the acceleration of innovation processes are perceived as risks.



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