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Factors influencing investments in environmentally-sound and energy-saving technologies by glasshouse growers.


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Energy is an important production factor in glasshouse horticulture. However in recent years glasshouse growers are faced with increasing energy prices and growing environmental concerns. In 2000 the Flemish government decided to stimulate environmentally-sound investments by means of investment subsidies. In the current research the factors influencing the adoption of environmentally-sound and energy-saving technologies by glasshouse growers are analysed. Based on the innovation diffusion theory the hypothesis is that external factors, personal characteristics of the firm manager (personal objectives, age, education level, importance attached to subsidies, etc.) and fixed characteristics (business objectives, business size, modernity, etc.) determine investment behaviour. Data for the research were obtained from accounting data and interviews at 58 holdings specialized in vegetable production and 79 holdings specialized in production of ornamental plants. These holdings all belong to the Farm Accountancy Data Network of the Centre of Agricultural Economics. The most important investments are the conversion from fuel oil to natural gas and the installation or use of energy-saving screens. An important obstacle to the conversion to natural gas, as determined by this study, is the lack of natural gas pipelines in the surroundings of the glasshouse holding. The holdings that currently use natural gas are mainly large, energy-intensive businesses with younger managers. Those who intend to change over to natural gas attach a great importance to investment subsidies as they have smaller but growth-oriented business. Investments in energy-saving screens are important for producers of energy intensive ornamental plants. In most of the cases these investments consist of replacement of the existing energy-saving screens with more efficient ones.
机译:能源是温室园艺的重要生产要素。然而,近年来,温室种植者面临着不断上涨的能源价格和日益增长的环境问题。 2000年,法兰德斯政府决定通过投资补贴来刺激对环境无害的投资。在当前的研究中,分析了影响温室种植者采用环保和节能技术的因素。基于创新扩散理论的假设是:外部因素,公司经理的个人特征(个人目标,年龄,受教育程度,对补贴的重视程度等)和固定特征(企业目标,企业规模,现代性等)。 )确定投资行为。该研究的数据来自58个蔬菜生产专业公司和79个观赏植物生产专业公司的会计数据和访谈。这些资产都属于农业经济学中心的农业会计数据网络。最重要的投资是将燃料油转换为天然气,以及安装或使用节能滤网。这项研究确定,转化为天然气的一个重要障碍是温室房屋周围缺乏天然气管道。当前使用天然气的控股公司主要是大型,能源密集型企业,其管理者年轻。那些打算改用天然气的企业非常重视投资补贴,因为他们的业务规模较小但以增长为导向。对节能屏风的投资对于耗能高的观赏植物的生产者来说很重要。在大多数情况下,这些投资包括用更高效的屏幕替换现有的节能屏幕。



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