首页> 外文期刊>Cytoskeleton >Ultrastructure and motility of the spermatozoa of Polypedates leucomystax (Amphibia, Anura, Rhacophoridae)

Ultrastructure and motility of the spermatozoa of Polypedates leucomystax (Amphibia, Anura, Rhacophoridae)


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Sperm morphology is thought to be shaped by evolutionary pressure from the fertilization environment. Rhacophoridae (Amphibia, Anura) include both foam-nesting and nonfoam-nesting species and exhibit a variety of sperm morphologies. Here, we examine the sperm morphology and motility of a foam-nesting Rhacophoridae frog, Polypedates leucomystax. Their spermatozoa have a sickle-shaped head and a thick tail containing two axonemes with their doublet microtubule ones (Db1s) facing one another. These two axonemes are surrounded by hundreds of satellite microtubules that form a hexagonal lattice structure. The spermatozoa move spirally by directly converting their tail movements into propulsion force, similar to the movement of the sickle-shaped spermatozoa of Xenopus laevis. By comparing the spermatozoa of P. leucomystax to those of other foam-nesting Rhacophoridae frogs, Rhacophorus and Chiromantis, and to the nonfoam-nesting Rhacophoridae frog, Buergeria buergeri, we found the following: (i) Spermatozoa of foam-nesting Rhacophoridae share common morphological features, a pair of axonemes and crystallized satellite microtubules. (ii) Spermatozoa of nonfoam-nesting Rhacophoridae do not exhibit these features. (iii) Sperm motility in foam-nesting Rhacophoridae is adapted to viscous environments. (iv) A diversity of sperm morphology and motility exists even among foam-nesting Rhacophoridae frogs. (v) The spermatozoa of Rhacophorus are more adapted to the foam nest than the spermatozoa of Polypedates.
机译:精子的形态被认为是受精环境的进化压力所致。鼠科(Amphibia,Anura)包括泡沫巢和非泡沫巢物种,并表现出多种精子形态。在这里,我们检查了泡沫嵌套的Rhacophoridae青蛙Polypedates leucomystax的精子形态和运动能力。它们的精子有镰刀形的头部和粗尾,其中包含两个轴突,双轴微管突触(Db1s)彼此面对。这两个轴突被形成六边形晶格结构的数百个卫星微管包围。精子通过将尾巴运动直接转化为推进力而螺旋运动,类似于非洲爪蟾的镰刀形精子运动。通过将白粉假单胞菌的精子与其他泡沫嵌套的Rhacophoridae蛙的Rhacophorus和Chiromantis以及非泡​​沫嵌套的Rhacophoridae蛙Buergeria buergeri的精子进行比较,我们发现:(i)泡沫嵌套的Rhacophoridae的精子共有共同点。形态特征,一对轴突和结晶的卫星微管。 (ii)非泡沫嵌套的鼠科的精子没有表现出这些特征。 (iii)泡沫嵌套的鼠李科的精子运动适应于粘性环境。 (iv)即使在泡沫嵌套的蛙科蛙中,也存在着多种精子形态和活力。 (v)与多足动物的精子相比,鼠李属的精子更适合泡沫巢。



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