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Differences in Delay Discounting of Some Commodities as a Function of Church Attendance


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Recent research has suggested that the positive benefits of religiousness that are reported in the literature may be related to "self-control." The present study attempted to determine whether religiousness, as measured by self reporting of regularly attending church services, would be related to how participants discount delayed outcomes. Three hundred one university students completed a delay-discounting task involving five commodities ($1,000, $100,000, annual retirement income, federal education legislation, and medical treatment). Participants who reported regularly attending church services discounted both monetary amounts significantly more than did participants who reported not regularly attending church services, indicating that church goers placed less value on those commodities than non-church goers. Rates of delay discounting did not differ between groups for the other commodities. These results suggest that religiousness alters how people frame certain decisions involving delayed outcomes, but not others.
机译:最近的研究表明,文献中报道的宗教信仰的积极益处可能与“自我控制”有关。本研究试图确定通过定期参加教堂礼拜的自我报告来衡量的宗教信仰是否与参与者如何打折扣延迟的结果有关。 301名大学生完成了延迟折扣任务,涉及五种商品(1,000美元,100,000美元,年退休收入,联邦教育法规和医疗)。报称定期参加教堂礼拜的参加者比未报导参加教堂礼拜的参加者对这两个货币的折价要高得多,这表明与非教堂参加者相比,教堂参加者对这些商品的价值较低。其他商品的组间延误折扣率没有差异。这些结果表明,宗教信仰会改变人们制定某些涉及延迟结果的决定的方式,而不会改变其他决定。



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