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The Energetics and Physiological Impact of Cohesin Extrusion


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Cohesin extrusion is thought to play a central role in establishing the architecture of mammalian genomes. However, extrusion has not been visualized in vivo, and thus, its functional impact and energetics are unknown. Using ultra-deep Hi-C, we show that loop domains form by a process that requires cohesin ATPases. Once formed, however, loops and compartments are maintained for hours without energy input. Strikingly, without ATP, we observe the emergence of hundreds of CTCF-independent loops that link regulatory DNA. We also identify architectural "stripes,'' where a loop anchor interacts with entire domains at high frequency. Stripes often tether super-enhancers to cognate promoters, and in B cells, they facilitate Igh transcription and recombination. Stripe anchors represent major hotspots for topoisomerase-mediated lesions, which promote chromosomal translocations and cancer. In plasmacytomas, stripes can deregulate Igh-translocated oncogenes. We propose that higher organisms have coopted cohesin extrusion to enhance transcription and recombination, with implications for tumor development.
机译:Cohesin挤压被认为在建立哺乳动物基因组的结构方面发挥着核心作用。然而,挤出尚未在体内可视化,因此,其功能影响和能量是未知的。使用超深Hi-C,我们显示了需要Cohesin ATPASES的过程的循环域。然而,一旦形成,循环和隔室保持在没有能量输入的时间。令人惊讶的是,没有ATP,我们观察了数百个CTCF独立环路的出现链接调节DNA。我们还识别建筑“条纹”,其中循环锚定与高频的整个域相互作用。条纹通常是相对于同源启动子,并且在B细胞中,他们促进了感染率和重组。条纹锚点代表拓扑异构酶的主要热点 - 介导的病变,促进染色体易位和癌症。在血浆胞质中,条纹可以管制入裂的癌基因。我们提出较高的生物体具有共同挤出的核苷酸和重组,具有对肿瘤发育的影响。



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