首页> 外文期刊>Canadian Journal of Dietetic Practice and Research >Dietetic Staffing and Workforce Capacity Planning in Primary Health Care

Dietetic Staffing and Workforce Capacity Planning in Primary Health Care


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The addition of Registered Dietitians (RD) to primary health care (PHC) teams has been shown to be effective in improving health and economic outcomes with reported savings of $5 to $99 New Zealand dollars for every $1 spent on nutrition interventions. Despite proven benefits, very few Canadians have access to dietitians in PHC. This paper summarizes the literature on dietetic staffing ratios in PHC in Canada and other countries with similar PHC systems. Examples are shared to demonstrate how dietitians and others can utilize published staffing ratios to review dietitian services within their settings, identify gaps, and advocate for additional positions to meet population needs. The majority of published dietetic staffing ratios describe ranges of 1 RD: 15 000-18 500 patients, 1 RD for every 4-14 family physicians, or 1 RD for every 300-500 patients with diabetes. These staffing ratios may be inadequate as surveys report ongoing issues of limited access to dietetic counseling, under-serviced populations, and a shortage of dietitians to meet current population needs in PHC. Newer projection models based on specific population needs and ongoing workforce data are required to identify professional practice issues and accurately estimate dietetic staffing requirements in PHC.
机译:向初级医疗保健(PHC)队伍的注册营养师(RD)的增加对于提高营养干预措施每花费5美元的每款项,据报道,储蓄率为5至99美元的新西兰元。尽管经过验证的福利,但很少少数加拿大人都可以在PHC中获得营养师。本文总结了加拿大博士学位博士学位的饮食人员指比的文献和具有相似PHC系统的国家。分享示例以展示营养人员和其他人如何利用公布的人员指定比率来审查其设置内的营养服务,确定差距,并提倡额外职位以满足人口需求。大多数公布的饮食人员指定率描述了1 RD:15 000-18 500名患者,每4-14名家庭医生1次,每300-500名糖尿病患者1次RD。这些人员指定比率可能不充分,因为调查报告持续获取饮食咨询,服务不足的人口以及营养人员短缺,以满足当前人口在PHC中的需求。需要基于特定人口需求和正在进行的劳动力数据的较新的投影模型来识别专业实践问题,并准确估计PHC中的饮食人员配置要求。



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