
Design and evaluation of a compiler for embedded stream programs


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Applications that combine live data streams with embedded, parallel, and distributed processing are becoming more commonplace. WaveScript is a domain-specific language that brings high-level, type-safe, garbage-collected programming to these domains. This is made possible by three primary implementation techniques, each of which leverages characteristics of the streaming domain. First, we employ a novel evaluation strategy that uses a combination of interpretation and reification to partially evaluate programs into stream dataflow graphs. Second, we use profile-driven compilation to enable many optimizations that are normally only available in the synchronous (rather than asynchronous) dataflow domain. Finally, we incorporate an extensible system for rewrite rules to capture algebraic properties in specific domains (such as signal processing). We have used our language to build and deploy a sensor-network for the acoustic localization of wild animals, in particular, the Yellow-Bellied marmot. We evaluate WaveScript's performance on this application, showing that it yields good performance on both embedded and desktop-class machines, including distributed execution and substantial parallel speedups. Our language allowed us to implement the application rapidly, while outperforming a previous C implementation by over 35%, using fewer than half the lines of code. We evaluate the contribution of our optimizations to this success.
机译:将实时数据流与嵌入式,并行和分布式处理相结合的应用程序变得越来越普遍。 WaveScript是一种特定于域的语言,它为这些域带来了高级的,类型安全的,垃圾回收的编程。这可以通过三种主要的实现技术来实现,每种技术都利用了流域的特性。首先,我们采用一种新颖的评估策略,该策略结合了解释和修正的作用,可以将程序部分评估为流数据流图。其次,我们使用配置文件驱动的编译来启用许多优化,这些优化通常仅在同步(而非异步)数据流域中可用。最后,我们并入了一个可扩展的系统,用于重写规则以捕获特定域中的代数属性(例如信号处理)。我们已经使用我们的语言为野生动物(尤其是黄腹土拨鼠)的声学定位建立并部署了传感器网络。我们评估了WaveScript在此应用程序上的性能,表明它在嵌入式和台式机上均具有良好的性能,包括分布式执行和实质性的并行加速。我们的语言使我们能够快速实现应用程序,同时使用少于一半的代码行,性能比以前的C实现高出35%以上。我们评估了优化对成功的贡献。



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