首页> 外文期刊>Acta Astronomica: An International Quarterly Journal >Period Changes in Galactic Classical Cepheids. Slow Evolution of Long-Period Cepheids

Period Changes in Galactic Classical Cepheids. Slow Evolution of Long-Period Cepheids


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We compared period changes derived from O - C diagrams for 63 classical Cepheids from our Galaxy with model calculations. We found that for Cepheids with logP > 1.0 the observed changes are smaller than predicted values, except variable SZ Cas. However some of the first overtone Cepheids, particularly EU Tau and Polaris, change its period much faster than it follows from theory. Summary of the known data on period changes in Cepheids from the Galaxy and from the Magellanic Clouds (previous papers) leads to conclusion that none of the 999 Cepheids is undergoing the first crossing of the instability strip. Also the observed period changes for long-period Cepheids are a few times slower than predicted by the models. These results imply that much larger fraction of helium is burned in the Cepheid stage than it is predicted by models.
机译:我们将来自银河系63个经典造父变星的OC图的周期变化与模型计算进行了比较。我们发现对于logP> 1.0的造父变星,除了变量SZ Cas以外,观察到的变化都小于预测值。但是,某些最早泛音的造父变星,特别是EU Tau和Polaris,其变化周期要比理论上的变化快得多。对来自银河系和麦哲伦星系的造父变星的周期变化的已知数据的总结(以前的论文)得出的结论是,999个造父变星中没有一个正在经历不稳定带的第一次穿越。同样,长周期造父变星观测到的周期变化比模型预测的慢几倍。这些结果表明,造父变星阶段燃烧的氦气比例比模型预测的要大得多。



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