
Prediction of strawberry fruit yield


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Data from commercial strawberry production in two districts of Norway were studied and compared with meteorological data. Reliable data for Trondelag (1973-2000) and Valldal (1975)-2000) were used. A strong correlation between yield level and fungicide used against Botrytis cinerea was found for Valldal, but not for Trondelag. For both districts yield was negatively correlated with temperatures in August previous to the fruiting year. In Valldal yield was positively correlated with temperature in April. Yield level was not significantly correlated with meteorological data during flowering and harvesting. Several regression equations for predicting yield were estimated; meteorological data, fungicides and year were used as variables. The cross-validation of the equations showed a good accuracy. The results indicated that climatic conditions during flower induction and flower differentiation were more important for yield than conditions during flowering and ripening. The regression method for predicting yield may be useful for the production and marketing of strawberries.
机译:研究了挪威两个地区的商业草莓生产数据,并将其与气象数据进行了比较。使用了Trondelag(1973-2000)和Valldal(1975)-2000的可靠数据。在瓦尔达尔(Valldal)发现了产量水平与灰葡萄孢菌(Botrytis cinerea)所用杀真菌剂之间的强相关性,但对于特隆德拉格(Trondelag)却没有发现。对于两个地区,在结果年之前的八月,产量与气温呈负相关。在瓦尔达尔,4月产量与温度呈正相关。在开花和收获期间,产量水平与气象数据没有显着相关。估计了几个预测产量的回归方程。气象数据,杀菌剂和年份被用作变量。方程的交叉验证显示出良好的准确性。结果表明,诱导和分化花期间的气候条件比开花和​​成熟期间的条件对产量更为重要。预测产量的回归方法可能对草莓的生产和销售很有用。



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