首页> 外文期刊>Acta Agriculture Scandinavica, Section C. Food Economics >The costs of human Campylobacter infections and sequelae in the Netherlands: a DALY and cost-of-illness approach.

The costs of human Campylobacter infections and sequelae in the Netherlands: a DALY and cost-of-illness approach.


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Campylobacter infections and sequelae pose an important public health problem for the Netherlands. With the help of a second order stochastic simulation model (using @Risk), confidence intervals (CI) for the associated disease burden (summing up morbidity and mortality) and the associated costs-of-illness were estimated. Approximately 80,000 persons per year (90% CI 30,000-160,000) are estimated to experience symptoms of acute gastro-enteritis, of which 30 are fatal cases. Around 18,000 patients visit a doctor and 500 are hospitalized each year. Additionally, each year some 1,400 cases of reactive arthritis, 59 cases of Guillain-Barre syndrome and 10 cases of inflammatory bowel disease are associated with a previous Campylobacter infection. The disease burden is expressed in Disability Adjusted Life Years (DALYs) and was estimated at 1,200 DALYs (90% CI 900-1,600 DALYs) per year. The associated costs for the Dutch society, using cost estimates for the year 2000, included direct health-care costs, direct non-health-care costs and productivity losses from missed work and were estimated to total Euro 21 million (90% CI Euro 11 million-Euro 36 million) per year..
机译:弯曲杆菌感染和后遗症对荷兰构成了重要的公共卫生问题。借助二阶随机模拟模型(使用@Risk),估计了相关疾病负担(汇总发病率和死亡率)和相关疾病成本的置信区间(CI)。估计每年约有80,000人(90%CI 30,000-160,000)经历急性胃肠炎的症状,其中30例是致命病例。每年约有18,000名患者去看医生,每年有500人住院。此外,每年约有1400例反应性关节炎,59例格林-巴利综合征和10例炎症性肠病与先前的弯曲杆菌感染有关。疾病负担以残疾调整生命年(DALYs)表示,估计为每年1,200 DALYs(90%CI 900-1,600 DALYs)。荷兰社会的相关成本,使用2000年的成本估算,包括直接医疗保健成本,直接非医疗保健成本以及因工作缺失而导致的生产力损失,估计总计为2100万欧元(90%CI 11欧元)百万欧元-3600万欧元)。



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