首页> 外文期刊>Academic psychiatry: the journal of the American Association of Directors of Psychiatric Residency Training and the Association for Academic Psychiatry >Does access to role models influence future career choice? Impact of psychiatry teaching on recently graduated doctors in the United Kingdom

Does access to role models influence future career choice? Impact of psychiatry teaching on recently graduated doctors in the United Kingdom


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Objective: The authors determined who provides formal psychiatry teaching to newly-qualified doctors and whether the amount of such teaching correlates to a later career preference for psychiatry. Methods: Data were collected on the cohort starting work in 2010 until applying to a specialty training program 16 months later. Total hours of psychiatry teaching was compared with the number choosing a residency in the same specialty. Results: A total of 19 hospitals in northwest England provided teaching programs for their interns and first-year residents (U.K. foundation doctors); 15 provided information on doctors' later specialty choice. Only 2.3% of teaching was dedicated to psychiatry. Doctors led a higher proportion of medicine or surgery sessions (63%) than those on psychiatry (48%). Provision of psychiatry teaching was associated with entering psychiatry residency. Conclusions: Hospitals providing the most formal psychiatry training have the highest proportions matriculating into a psychiatry residency.
机译:目的:作者确定谁为新任医生提供正式的精神病学教学,以及这种教学的数量是否与后来的精神病学职业偏好有关。方法:从2010年开始的队列研究收集数据,直到16个月后申请专业培训。将精神病学教学的总时数与选择同一专业的住院医师人数进行了比较。结果:英格兰西北地区共有19家医院为其实习生和第一年居民(英国基金会医生)提供了教学计划; 15提供了有关医生以后的专业选择的信息。只有2.3%的教学致力于精神病学。医生领导的药物治疗或外科手术治疗比例(63%)高于精神病医生(48%)。提供精神病学教学与进入精神病学住院医师有关。结论:提供最正规的精神病学培训的医院进入精神病院的比例最高。



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