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Stability and change in career choices of junior doctors: postal questionnaire surveys of the United Kingdom qualifiers of 1993.


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OBJECTIVE: To report on stability and change in career choices of doctors, between 1 and 3 years after qualification. DESIGN: Postal questionnaire surveys. SETTING: United Kingdom. SUBJECTS: All doctors who qualified in the United Kingdom in 1993. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Choices of eventual career expressed 1 and 3 years after qualifying. RESULTS: The overall pattern of career choices at year 3 differed a little from that at year 1. For example, choices for general practice increased from 26% to 29%, choices for medical specialties fell from 22% to 18%, and for surgical specialties they fell from 17% to 14%. However, because changes of choice between specialties tended to 'cancel out', the aggregated data masked much larger changes when considered at the level of individual doctors. Overall, 74% of respondents retained their year 1 career choice in year 3 (78% of men, 70% of women). Of doctors who chose a hospital specialty in year 1, 71% chose the same specialty in year 3, 18% had switched choice to another hospital specialty, and 9% had switched choice to general practice. The percentage who changed choice from hospital specialties to general practice between years 1 and 3 was lower in the 1993 cohort than in all previous cohorts. Of those whose year 1 choice of long-term career was general practice, 89% retained that choice in year 3 and 11% switched to other branches of medicine. Even by year 3, less than half of all respondents (and a smaller percentage of women than men) signified that their long-term choice of specialty was definite. In year 3, 78% of all respondents, and 79% of doctors from homes in the United Kingdom, intended definitely or probably to practise medicine in the United Kingdom for the foreseeable future, which represented little change from the figures in year 1. CONCLUSIONS: About a quarter of doctors change their career choice between years 1 and 3 after qualification, and less than half regard their choice in year 3 as definite. Flexibility is therefore needed, well beyond the first post-qualification year, to accommodate changes of choice. Where training opportunities in a hospital specialty are limited, doctors are now inclining, more than in the past, to switch to an alternative hospital specialty rather than to general practice.
机译:目的:报告合格后1至3年内医生的职业选择的稳定性和变化。设计:邮政问卷调查。地点:英国。对象:1993年在英国获得资格的所有医生。主要观察指标:资格获得后1年和3年的最终职业选择。结果:第三年的职业选择总体模式与第一年略有不同。例如,全科医生的选择从26%增加到29%,医学专业的选择从22%下降到18%,外科手术的选择他们的专业从17%下降到14%。但是,由于专科之间选择的变化趋于“抵消”,因此从个别医生的角度考虑,汇总数据掩盖了更大的变化。总体而言,74%的受访者在第三年保留了第一年的职业选择(男性为78%,女性为70%)。在第1年选择了医院专科的医生中,有71%在第3年选择了同一专科,有18%的医生选择了另一种医院专科,而9%的医生选择了全科。在1993年队列中,从1年级到3年级从医院专科改为普通科的比例要低于以前的所有队列。在那些长期职业的第一年选择是普通医生的人中,89%的人在第三年保留了这种选择,而11%的人选择了其他医学分支。即使到了第三年,也只有不到一半的受访者(女性的比例低于男性)表明,他们长期的专业选择是确定的。在第3年,在可预见的将来,英国所有家庭中78%的受访者和79%的家庭医生打算或可能在英国实践医学,与第1年的数字相比变化不大。 :大约四分之一的医生在获得资格后的第一年和第三年之间改变职业选择,只有不到一半的医生认为第三年的选择是确定的。因此,需要有灵活性,远远超过资格预审后的第一年,以适应选择的变化。在医院专业的培训机会有限的情况下,与过去相比,医生现在更倾向于选择替代医院专业而不是普通科。



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