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The analysis of bi-level evolutionary graphs


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Evolutionary graphs (EGs), in which evolutionary dynamic is arranged on a graph, were initially proposed by Lieberman et al. [Lieberman, E., Hauert, C., Nowak, M.A., 2005. Evolutionary dynamics on graphs. Nature 433, 312–316] in the biological field and many biological phenomena are successfully explained. EGs on two levels (or bi-level EGs), based on some biological phenomena, are considered in this paper. The bi-level EGs are compared with the one-rooted EGs in two cases. One has the identical numbers of the followers, the other with the same numbers of total individuals. Then, some properties of the bi-level EGs are obtained. It is showed that bi-level EGs are more stable, and the bi-level EGs with just two leaders are the most stable, if they have identical followers respectively. The bi-level EGs theory can successfully explain the phenomena of symbiosis in biology.
机译:Lieberman等人最初提出了将进化动力学安排在一个图上的进化图(EGs)。 [Lieberman,E.,Hauert,C.,Nowak,M.A.,2005。图的演化动力学。已成功地解释了生物领域的自然433,312–316]和许多生物现象。本文考虑了基于某些生物学现象的两个级别的EG(或双层EG)。在两种情况下,将二级EG与单根EG进行比较。一个拥有相同数量的关注者,另一个拥有相同总数的个人。然后,获得了双层EG的一些性质。结果表明,二级EG更为稳定,只有两个领导者的二级EG如果其追随者相同,则是最稳定的。双层EGs理论可以成功地解释生物学中的共生现象。



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