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Basic Scale on Insomnia complaints and Quality of Sleep (BaSIQS): Reliability, initial validity and normative scores in higher education students


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Based on successive samples totaling more than 5000 higher education students, we scrutinized the reliability, structure, initial validity and normative scores of a brief self-report seven-item scale to screen for the continuum of nighttime insomnia complaints/perceived sleep quality, used by our team for more than a decade, henceforth labeled the Basic Scale on Insomnia complaints and Quality of Sleep (BaSIQS). In study/sample 1 (n = 1654), the items were developed based on part of a larger survey on higher education sleep-wake patterns. The test-retest study was conducted in an independent small group (n = 33) with a 2-8 week gap. In study/sample 2 (n = 360), focused mainly on validity, the BaSIQS was completed together with the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI). In study 3, a large recent sample of students from universities all over the country (n = 2995) answered the BaSIQS items, based on which normative scores were determined, and an additional question on perceived sleep problems in order to further analyze the scale's validity. Regarding reliability, Cronbach alpha coefficients were systematically higher than 0.7, and the test-retest correlation coefficient was greater than 0.8. Structure analyses revealed consistently satisfactory two-factor and single-factor solutions. Concerning validity analyses, BaSIQS scores were significantly correlated with PSQI component scores and overall score (r = 0.652 corresponding to a large association); mean scores were significantly higher in those students classifying themselves as having sleep problems (p < 0.0001, d = 0.99 corresponding to a large effect size). In conclusion, the BaSIQS is very easy to administer, and appears to be a reliable and valid scale in higher education students. It might be a convenient short tool in research and applied settings to rapidly assess sleep quality or screen for insomnia complaints, and it may be easily used in other populations with minor adaptations.
机译:基于连续的样本,共有5000多名高等教育学生,我们研究了一个简短的自我报告七项量表的可靠性,结构,初始有效性和规范性评分,以筛选夜间失眠投诉/感知的睡眠质量的连续性,我们的团队已有十多年的历史,此后被称为失眠症投诉量和睡眠质量基本量表(BaSIQS)。在研究/样本1(n = 1654)中,这些项目是根据对高等教育睡眠-觉醒模式进行的一项较大调查的一部分开发的。重测研究是在一个独立的小组(n = 33)中进行的,间隔2-8周。在研究/样本2(n = 360)中,主要关注有效性,BaSIQS与匹兹堡睡眠质量指数(PSQI)一起完成。在研究3中,来自全国各地大学的大量近期学生样本(n = 2995)回答了BaSIQS项目,根据这些项目确定了规范分数,并回答了关于感知睡眠问题的其他问题,以便进一步分析量表的有效性。在可靠性方面,Cronbachα系数系统地高于0.7,重测相关系数大于0.8。结构分析显示一致满意的两因素和单因素解决方案。关于有效性分析,BaSIQS评分与PSQI成分评分和总体评分显着相关(r = 0.652,对应于较大的关联);在将自己归类为有睡眠问题的学生中,平均得分显着更高(p <0.0001,d = 0.99,对应较大的效应量)。总之,BaSIQS易于管理,并且似乎是高等教育学生的可靠和有效的规模。它可能是研究和应用环境中方便快捷的简短工具,用于快速评估睡眠质量或筛查失眠症,并且在其他适应性较弱的人群中也很容易使用。



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