
Non-invasive measurement of glucose uptake of skeletal muscle tissue models using a glucose nanobiosensor


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Skeletal muscle tissues play a significant role to maintain the glucose level of whole body and any dysfunction of this tissue leads to the diabetes disease. A culture medium was created in which the muscle cells could survive for a long time and meanwhile it did not interfere with the glucose sensing. We fabricated a model of skeletal muscle tissues in vitro to monitor its glucose uptake. A nanoporous gold as a high sensitive nanobiosensor was then successfully developed and employed to detect the glucose uptake of the tissue models in this medium upon applying the electrical stimulation in a rapid, and non-invasive approach. The response of the glucose sensor was linear in a wide concentration range of 1-50. mM, with a detection limit of 3. μM at a signal-to-noise ratio of 3.0. The skeletal muscle tissue was electrically stimulated during 24. h and glucose uptake was monitored during this period. During the first 3. h of stimulation, electrically stimulated muscle tissue consumed almost twice the amount of glucose than counterpart non-stimulated sample. In total, the glucose consumption of muscle tissues was higher for the electrically stimulated tissues compared to those without applying the electrical field.
机译:骨骼肌组织在维持全身葡萄糖水平方面起着重要作用,该组织的任何功能障碍都会导致糖尿病。创建了一种培养基,肌肉细胞可以在其中存活很长时间,同时又不干扰葡萄糖的感应。我们在体外制备了骨骼肌组织模型以监测其葡萄糖摄取。然后,成功开发出了纳米多孔金作为高灵敏度的纳米生物传感器,并通过快速,无创的​​方法施加电刺激,将其用于检测该介质中组织模型的葡萄糖摄取。葡萄糖传感器的响应在1-50的宽浓度范围内呈线性。 mM,检测限为3.μM,信噪比为3.0。在24小时内电刺激骨骼肌组织,并在此期间监测葡萄糖摄取。在刺激的最初3. h期间,电刺激的肌肉组织消耗的葡萄糖量几乎是未刺激的对应样品的两倍。总体而言,与不施加电场的组织相比,电刺激组织的肌肉组织的葡萄糖消耗更高。



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