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Wbat Is A Garden Bed?


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David Andrew Schwartz is currently a home gardener caring for seven acres in the Kimberton, PA area. He started his first garden at age eight, 38 years ago and has been gardening continuously. For ten years he was a full-time Biodynamic market gardener and was a founder of the Stella Natura planting calendar and the agricultural training at Kimberton Hills. He is writing this series of articles for the home gardener. Because these articles will be more experience than expertise, he welcomes readerswho have questions to ask, or something to share, to write to him c/o BIODYNAMICS, P.O. Box 550, Kimberton, PA 19442. Soil needs to be dug deeply, kept moist and crumbly, and full of decomposed organic matter if it is to be alive. When the life of the soil is cultivated it becomes a place where plants can grow. Plants need a bed of living soil. The garden bed is for plants, just as the garden path is for gardeners.
机译:大卫·安德鲁·施瓦兹(David Andrew Schwartz)目前是一名家庭园艺师,在宾夕法尼亚州金伯顿(Kimberton)照顾七英亩的土地。他在38年前的八岁就开始了自己的第一个花园,并且一直在从事园艺工作。十年来,他一直是生物动力市场的全职园丁,并是Stella Natura种植日历和金伯顿山(Kimberton Hills)农业培训的创始人。他正在为家庭园丁写这一系列文章。因为这些文章比专业知识更有经验,所以他欢迎有疑问或要分享的问题写信给他的读者,作者是c / o BIODYNAMICS,P.O。框550,金伯顿,宾夕法尼亚州19442。要使其存活,就需要深挖土壤,保持湿润和易碎,并充满分解的有机物。当耕种土壤的生命成为植物可以生长的地方。植物需要一片活土。花园床供植物使用,花园小径供园丁使用。



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