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Applying the IUCN Red List criteria to small-sized plants on oceanic islands: conservation implications for threatened bryophytes in the Canary Islands.


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The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List categories and criteria were applied to small-sized spore-producing plants with high dispersal capacities (bryophytes). The application of some of the IUCN criteria to bryophytes in small and highly environmental diverse islands implies several problems. The criteria applicability increases when the occupancy area is reduced. However, for common species restricted to a single type of vegetation belt, the use of the IUCN criteria is problematic because of inapplicable and/or misleading thresholds. We adapted the IUCN criteria by modifying the occupancy and occurrence area sizes and by specifying the location. This approach allowed us to establish the first Red List for the bryophyte species in the Canaries, which comprises 105 species (67 mosses and 38 liverworts); among them, 7 are critically endangered, 20 are endangered and 78 are vulnerable. Twenty-six species were classified as near-threatened, 245 were considered to be at low risk and 125 were data deficient (DD). Among the DD ones, 19 corresponded to newly reported species (DD-n) and 40 had no records during the last 30 years (DD-va). Our findings show that the freshwater habitats as well as the habitats in the most restricted cloud forests (with Erica platycodon) contain the majority of the threatened species, followed by other types of laurel forests and high mountain habitats.Digital Object Identifier http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10531-012-0385-0
机译:国际自然保护联盟(IUCN)红色名录类别和标准适用于具有高分散能力(苔藓植物)的小型产芽孢植物。将某些IUCN标准应用于在环境高度多样化的小岛上的苔藓植物意味着一些问题。当占用面积减小时,标准适用性增加。但是,对于仅限于单一类型植被带的常见物种,由于不适用和/或误导性的阈值,IUCN标准的使用存在问题。我们通过修改占用率和发生区域的大小并指定位置来适应IUCN标准。这种方法使我们能够为加那利群岛的苔藓植物物种建立第一个红色名录,其中包括105种(67种苔藓和38种艾蒿);其中,有7名受到严重威胁,有20名受到威胁,有78名处于脆弱状态。有26种物种被列为濒临灭绝的物种,其中245种被认为处于低风险状态,而125种则属于数据不足(DD)。在DD物种中,有19种对应于新报告的物种(DD-n),而40种在最近30年内没有记录(DD-va)。我们的发现表明,淡水生境以及最受限制的云林(含Erica platycodon)中的生境包含了受威胁物种的绝大部分,其次是其他类型的月桂树森林和高山生境。 dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10531-012-0385-0



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