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The last African white giraffes live in farmers' fields


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The giraffe population (Giraffa camelopardalis) in Niger is the last representative of the peralta sub-species which lived throughout West Africa at the beginning of the twentieth century. Protected since the 1970s, giraffes cohabit with humans in cultivated landscapes. This may not have appeared to pose many problems in the past, but the relationship between farmers and giraffes has deteriorated with the expansion of cultivated land and that of the giraffe population, with reported cases of giraffes damaging crops. A survey was conducted in all the affected villages in the Kourcb area to establish the nature, severity and distribution of the damage and to evaluate the local populations' perception of the problem. Cowpeas are fed upon in the field at harvest time and in the granaries, as well as ripe mangoes, during the most critical period for giraffes' nutrition. The vast majority of farmers interviewed consider giraffes to be rather a problem in spite of tourism revenues they can obtain from them. This opinion has individually little correlation with damage rate on crops or easy access to tourism revenues. The damage risk factors are first and foremost considered as uncontrollable by the farmers, even if technical protection measures could easily be put in place locally. The inter-relationships between the socio-economic context and the way the problem is perceived are discussed.
机译:尼日尔的长颈鹿种群(Giraffa camelopardalis)是20世纪初居住在整个西非的peralta亚种的最后代表。自1970年代以来受到保护,长颈鹿在耕地中与人类同居。在过去,这似乎没有引起很多问题,但是随着耕地和长颈鹿种群的扩大,农民和长颈鹿之间的关系已经恶化,据报道长颈鹿损害了农作物。在库尔克(Kourcb)地区所有受影响的村庄进行了一项调查,以确定破坏的性质,严重程度和分布,并评估当地居民对该问题的看法。在长颈鹿营养最关键的时期,豆在收获时在田间,谷仓以及成熟的芒果中觅食。尽管他们可以从中获得旅游收入,但绝大多数接受采访的农民都认为长颈鹿是一个问题。该观点与农作物的破坏率或容易获得旅游收入的相关性很小。首先,即使是很容易在当地采取技术保护措施的农民,也认为破坏风险因素是不可控制的。讨论了社会经济背景与问题感知方式之间的相互关系。



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