首页> 外文期刊>Biosciences Biotechnology Research Asia >Transabdominal ultrasonographic diagnostics of early pregnancy in goats from Mumbai and adjoining areas.

Transabdominal ultrasonographic diagnostics of early pregnancy in goats from Mumbai and adjoining areas.


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The study was performed on 60 goats at Livestock farm at Unit No. 3, Arrey milk Colony Goregaon and adjoining areas of Mumbai. A total of 60 cross bred and non-descript does of which, 20 does were had history of known dates of mating at least one month back and 50 does had history of mating with unknown dates. Three scans were performed on each doe 15 to 30 days apart with Aloka SD 500 equipment having transabdominal 3.5 MHz sector transducer. The accuracy, sensitivity and specificity of the method were evaluated. An accuracy of 93.33 to 100% was detected. It was found out that the visualization of placentomes, the embryo with detection of cardiac activity and foetal movements were reliable criteria for ruling out the occurrence of early embryonic foetal death.
机译:这项研究是在Arrey牛奶殖民地Goregaon及其毗邻地区3号机组的牲畜农场的60只山羊上进行的。总共进行了60次杂交和不繁育,其中20个月有已知交配日期的历史至少一个月,还有50例具有不明交配历史。使用具有腹部3.5 MHz扇区换能器的Aloka SD 500设备,对每只母鹿间隔15至30天进行三次扫描。评价了该方法的准确性,敏感性和特异性。检测到93.33到100%的准确度。发现胎盘的可视化,检测心脏活动和胎儿运动的胚胎是排除早期胚胎胎儿死亡的可靠标准。



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