首页> 外文期刊>JAMA: the Journal of the American Medical Association >Papules, plaques, and nodules in an immunocompromised patient.

Papules, plaques, and nodules in an immunocompromised patient.


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AN 85-YEAR-OLD MAN IS ADMITTED FOR EVALUATION OF MULTIPLE PAPULES, plaques, and subcutaneous nodules on his face, trunk, and extremities. The patient has itching. There is no history of trauma. He has an 8-year history of diabetes and Sjogren syndrome with eye and mouth involvement and has been treated with varied doses of oral methylprednisolone for 5 years. During the 3 years prior to admission, he took 12 mg/d of methylprednisolone. Over the last 5 months, he received topical steroids and antifungal agents. Skin examination reveals multiple erythematous papules on his face and eyelids, clustered or solitary reddish or purple papules, indurated shining plaques, and subcutaneous nodules on his wrists (FIGURE 1A), arms, and lower limbs, mainly around the knees (Figure IB) and thighs. Pus is not expressed with pressure. There are no lesions on his scalp, eyebrow, upper lip, chin, axillae, pubic area, palms, or soles.
机译:一名85岁的男子被录取了他的脸,树干和四肢着眼丘疹,斑块和皮下结节。 病人有瘙痒。 没有创伤的历史。 他有8年的糖尿病历史,眼口和口腔综合征患有眼部和口腔综合征,并已用不同剂量的口服甲基己酮治疗5年。 在入院前3年,他服用了12毫克/ d的甲基己酮。 在过去的5个月里,他接受了局部类固醇和抗真菌剂。 皮肤检查在他的脸部和眼睑上显示多个红斑,聚集或孤独的红丘疹或紫色丘疹,诱导的闪亮斑块,并在他的手腕上(图1a),臂和下肢皮下结节,主要是膝盖(图1b)和 大腿。 PU没有用压力表示。 他的头皮,眉毛,上唇,下巴,腋窝,耻骨区域,棕榈树或鞋底没有病变。



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