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Of guards, decoys, baits and traps: pathogen perception in plants by type III effector sensors


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Effector-triggered immunity (ETI) is conferred by dominant plant resistance (R) genes, which encode predominantly nucleotide-binding and leucine-rich repeat domain proteins (NLRs), against cognate microbial avirulence (Avr) genes, which include bacterial type III secreted effectors (T3Es). The 'guard model' describes the mechanism of T3E perception by plants, whereby NLRs monitor host proteins ('sensors') for T3E-induced perturbations. This model has provided a molecular framework to understand T3E perception and has rationalized how plants can use a limited number of NLRs (similar to 160 in Arabidopsis) to contend with a potentially limitless number of evolving effectors. In this review we provide a characteristic overview of plant T3E sensors and discuss how these sensors convey the presence of T3Es to NLR proteins to activate ETI.
机译:显性植物抗性(R)基因(主要编码核苷酸结合和富含亮氨酸的重复域蛋白(NLRs))针对同源微生物无毒力(Avr)基因(包括分泌的细菌III型基因)赋予效应触发免疫(ETI)效应器(T3E)。 “保护模型”描述了植物对T3E感知的机制,其中NLR监视宿主蛋白(“传感器”)中T3E引起的扰动。该模型提供了一个理解T3E感知的分子框架,并合理化了植物如何使用有限数量的NLR(与拟南芥中的160个相似)来对抗可能无限数量的进化效应子。在这篇综述中,我们提供了植物T3E传感器的特征概述,并讨论了这些传感器如何将T3E的存在传达给NLR蛋白以激活ETI。



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