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Amniotic pulmonary embolism and the respiratory system: Management trends and future options


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Amniotic fluid embolism (AFE) is a rare and catastrophic clinical syndrome that occurs at childbirth and the postpartum period, and that significantly affects the respiratory system. In developed countries, AFE causes up to 10% of all maternal deaths [1]. Most of these patients will have acute hypoxemic respiratory failure and a decrease compliance of the respiratory system. The incidence of AFE in the United States is thought to be about 1 in 13,000 deliveries, with a high mortality rate [2]. AFE was initially described by Meyer in 1926, but it was not until 1941, when Steiner and Lushbaugh attributed maternal death to this syndrome [3]. The risk factors commonly seen in AFE include: advanced maternal age, cesarean section, induction of labor, placental abnormalities, pre-eclampsia, eclampsia, multiple pregnancy, and uterine rupture [4-6]. The most common manifestations occurring in up to 40% of patients with AFE include: acute onset of dyspnea, severe clinical hypotension, dysrrhythmias, life-threatening hemorrhage, fetal distress and cardiac arrest [3].
机译:羊水栓塞(AFE)是一种罕见的灾难性临床综合征,发生在分娩和产后,严重影响呼吸系统。在发达国家,AFE导致所有孕产妇死亡的10%[1]。这些患者大多数将出现急性低氧血症性呼吸衰竭,并降低呼吸系统的顺应性。据认为,美国AFE的发病率约为13,000分娩中的1分,死亡率很高[2]。 AFE最初是由Meyer在1926年描述的,但直到1941年Steiner和Lushbaugh将产妇死亡归因于这种综合症[3]。在AFE中常见的危险因素包括:孕妇高龄,剖宫产,引产,胎盘异常,先兆子痫,子痫,多胎妊娠和子宫破裂[4-6]。多达40%的AFE患者最常见的表现包括:急性呼吸困难发作,严重的临床低血压,心律不齐,威胁生命的出血,胎儿窘迫和心脏骤停[3]。



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