
CSB calls on EPA to update HF study


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The US Chemical Safety Board(CSB)wants a 1993 study on the use of hydrofluoric acid(HF)on alkylatiou units located at US refineries to be updated,with a focus on determining whether refineries risk-management plans are sufficient to prevent catastrophic FIF releases as well as the viability of using safer technologies on refinery alkylation units.About a third of the US's 150 refineries utilize HF alkylation units.In an April 23 letter to US EPA Administrator Andrew H.Wheeler,CSB Board Member and Designated Interim Executive Kristen M.Kuknowski wrote,“In the last four years,the CSB has investigated two petroleum refinery incidents where an explosion elevated the threat of a possible release of HF or modified hydrofluoric acid(MHF).In both investigations,the CSB conducted a public hearing in which members of the surrounding communities indicated great concern about the adequacy of the risk-management strategies for the use of HF and the effectiveness of community notification procedures in the event of a catastrophic release.” The two incidents noted in the letter are a Feb.18,2015,accident at the former ExxonMobil refinery in Torrance,California,when an electrostatic precipitator on the FCCU exploded during maintenance activities,and an April 26,2018,explosion and fire at Husky Energy's Superior,Wisconsin refinery.It should be noted neither incident resulted in a release of HF.
机译:美国化学品安全委员会(CSB)希望1993年关于使用氢氟酸(HF)的研究,位于美国炼油厂的烷基替氏口单位,重点是确定炼油风险管理计划是否足以防止灾难性的FIF释放以及使用更安全技术对炼油厂烷基化单元的可行性。美国的第三个炼油厂中的三分之一利用HF烷基化单位。在4月23日给美国EPA管理员Andrew H.Wheeler,CSB董事会成员和指定临时行政克里斯汀M .kuknowski写道,“在过去四年中,CSB调查了两种石油炼油事件,其中爆炸升高了可能释放的HF或改性氢氟酸(MHF)的威胁。在这两次调查中,CSB都进行了公开听证周围社区的哪些成员表示,对使用HF的风险管理战略的充分性以及社区通知程序的有效性的充分担忧如果发生灾难性的释放。“这封信中指出的两项事件是2月15日,2015年2月15日,加利福尼亚州托伦斯前埃克森美孚炼油厂的事故,当在维修活动期间静电除尘器爆炸的静电除尘器,以及赫斯基的4月26,2018,爆炸和火灾Energy的Superior,Wisconsin Refinery.既不应注意,事件均未导致HF释放。



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