首页> 外文期刊>Current Science: A Fortnightly Journal of Research >Run-up and inundation limits along southeast coast of India during the26 December 2004 Indian Ocean tsumani

Run-up and inundation limits along southeast coast of India during the26 December 2004 Indian Ocean tsumani


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The recent Indian Ocean Tsunami had a devastating effect on the Indian coastline. Apart from the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, the Tamil Nadu coast was the most affected. Post-Tsunami survey was carried out during January-February 2005 along the Tami Nadu coast to study the inundation limits and to estimate the run-up heights. This manuscript presents the results of the survey undertaken to estimate the inundation limits and the run-up heights, along the Tamil Nadu coast from Vedaranyam to Chennai. The results showed that average inundation was 238m inshore and average run-up height was 4.17 m above Chart Datum north of Pondicherry.
机译:最近的印度洋海啸对印度海岸线产生了破坏性影响。除安达曼和尼科巴群岛外,泰米尔纳德邦海岸受到的影响最大。 2005年1月至2月,在Tami Nadu海岸进行了海啸后调查,以研究淹没极限并估算上升高度。这份手稿介绍了调查的结果,以估算从Vedaranyam到Chennai的泰米尔纳德邦沿海的淹没极限和上升高度。结果表明,在本地治里以北,平均淹没量为238m,平均上升高度为Chart Datum上方4.17 m。



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