首页> 外文期刊>The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology >Experimental investigation on influence of engagement angle and tool geometry on plunge milling

Experimental investigation on influence of engagement angle and tool geometry on plunge milling


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Taking advantage of the superior cutter axial stiffness, plunge milling provides a higher material removal rate in rough milling for components with deep cavities. Tool wear depending on cutting parameters of radial cutting width, axial cutting depth, step interval, feedrate, and spindle speed has been studied by several researchers. For a more comprehensive understanding of the wear mechanism, this study investigates the influences of tool engagement angle and tool geometry on tool wear based on multiple sets of machining tests. The development of tool wear during plunge milling is monitored. Results show that tool wear of insert with large engagement angle mainly exists on minor edge, which is caused by increased tool deflection. When the radial distance equals to tool radius, optimal engagement angle can be achieved while considering both tool life and machining efficiency. The experimental results show that tool life of insert with rake angle of 22 degrees is 6.5% higher than rake angle of 15 degrees. Smaller corner radius has positive influences on tool life improvement. Surprisingly, tool life of insert without cutting edge chamfer is 3.6 times than insert with cutting edge chamfer. The best tool geometric parameters of plunge insert can then be identified among a variety of inserts. This work is useful for cutting tool producers and manufacturers to optimize tool geometry and machining parameters.



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